ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Would you like to know how to burn fat WITHOUT losing muscle? Here 3 easy steps you can take to minimize muscle loss while trying to burn the most amount of fat for your leanest body ever.

Would you like to know How to lose fat without losing muscle? There are steps you can take to minimize muscle loss while trying to burn fat.

By:  Tim Ernst – Founder of Body Blitz Max, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

However, even if you do these steps perfectly when training as a natural, you’re going to lose some muscle as your body fat gets lower and lower.

Also when you’re eating a lower calorie diet it’s very hard to keep your muscles looking full.

So chances are pretty high that as you cut body fat your muscles will get at least a little tiny bit smaller.

The point of me writing this article is to give you some tips to maintain as much muscle as possible while burning fat.

The first thing you want to make sure you don’t do` is don’t drastically cut your calories.

Step #1 – Don’t Drop Calories and Do Cardio To Fast


When you drastically cut your calories you’re body is more likely to burn some muscle to lower maintenance energy requirements.

The same thing can be said for cardio. Don’t do drastic amounts of cardio.

Start with only two days a week of cardio and progressively work your way up.

In the beginning just modifying your diet should be enough to get you losing body fat.

When you overkill with dieting and cardio you release cortisol, screw up your hormones and hit huge plateaus.

So remember, slow, progressive changes to your diet and adding a little bit of cardio at a time when you plateau is the way to go.

Don’t worry so much about frequency, worry more about making it work for your lifestyle.

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People that eat 4-6 meals a day say that this is the most effective way to maintain muscle while burning fat, and then people doing intermittent fasting say that their method is more effective.

I know that there are a lot of people that are trying to burn fat with an intermittent fasting protocol, and I think intermittent fasting can be great for burning fat.  Same thing for 4-6 meals a day.

Both of these approaches work, so meal frequency should be based more on your lifestyle.

I’ve experimented with both intermittent fasting and with eating more frequently throughout the day. For me I’ve always been able to maintain more muscle doing intermittent fasting.

The only reason I wasn’t able to eat 4-6 meals throughout the day was because I needed to lose a lot of fat and intermittent fasting helped me tremendously!



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This just highlights the fact that everyone is different, so do what works for you based on your goals.

Intermittent fasting is great for people that have busy lifestyles (such as myself) and people that can eat a lot in one sitting.

Eating more frequently throughout the day has it’s own benefits.

Focus less on meal frequency and more on keeping your daily calories in the right range to burn fat not muscle.

Step #2 – Lift Heavy

Next you want to make sure that you try your best to keep your lifts heavy at the gym.

It’s almost inevitable that you get a little weaker as your body fat percentage keeps dropping. Especially when you get to really low levels of body fat.

However, you’re going to want to do everything you can to lift heavy weight.

Aim for compound exercises and try to hit each muscle group for a minimum of 9 sets 5-8 reps with heavy weight.  When training for aesthetics I recommend splitting up your routine.

Obviously you wouldn’t be doing every single muscle group for 9 sets in one day.

The point I want you take away is to push yourself to go heavy, even if you feel tired from eating less.

If you consistently put your body under heavy weight your body will do it’s best to maintain muscle for that task.

Many people drop their weight and go with low reps while cutting fat and that is the worst thing you can do when trying to maintain muscle.

Step #3 – Supplementation


The last tip is to take BCAA’s and L-Glutamine.

Don’t fall for the newest trendiest BCAA formula supplement because it’s probably the same Branch chain amino acids with some added sugar and a bigger price tag.

All you need is plain old BCAA powder. Same thing with L glutamine, plain L glutamine powder would be best.

Whether they really work or not is debatable, but at least these supplements are one of the supplements that have more evidence of being useful.

You don’t need to take it all day. You can take them before, after your workout and maybe one more time before bed.

That’s it guys I hope you enjoyed this article and if you enjoyed it make sure to share and leave a comment below

What’s Next?

As you probably know or at some point you’ve been told that the best way to build muscle is by training each muscle group a different day of the week…

  • Chest on Monday…
  • Legs on Tuesday
  • Back on Wednesday
  • And so on. Or…

Maybe you’ve tried the double-up split where you train upper body one day, then lower body the next.

However, there’s something you need to know….

These workouts are silently chipping away at your testosterone levels and causing you to leave massive muscle building results on the table…

Yes you read that right…

But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be this way. Because…

Believe it or not, there’s one type of muscle building routine that’s BEST for your male hormones and packing on some serious size at the exact same time.

And to prove it, here is..

=> The Mother Of All Muscle Building Routines


intermittent fasting


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