ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Have you been dieting and suddenly your fat loss has plateaued? Today you’ll discover 7 full proof methods for losing that last 10 pounds of belly fat FASTER and EASIER than any other fad diet in mainstream health circles.

In this article you’ll discover the secrets of how to lose that last ten pounds or MORE of belly fat.

What’s interesting is that it’s unnatural for your body to lose weight.

In general, the body doesn’t like losing weight, it goes against its own purpose of trying to keep you alive.

However, there are things that you can do strategically to really dig deep into losing 10, 20 even 50 pounds of stubborn belly fat.

By:  Instagram Influncer Tim Ernst – Founder of Keto Burn 2028 Day Fat Exterminator Challenge, Intermittent Keto Fasting, Get Lean In Quarantine, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

Number one is having zero sugars

Tip #1 – Sugars

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As you may already know that anything high on the glycemic index, anything high in sugar increases insulin and insulin blocks fat burning.

You will not be able to lose weight in the presence of insulin and that includes all the hidden sugars like the breads, pasta, cereal, crackers, biscuits, waffles, pancakes, muffins, fruit juice, alcohol, fruit, etc.

We need to actually bring all those out of the diet because we don’t want any excess insulin.

One particular diet that is very low in sugars form carbohydrates is the Ketogenic diet.

Clearly, when it comes to weight loss, the ketogenic diet works very effectively.

So, how exactly does it work? Great question!

The ketogenic diet is a very-low-carbohydrate, high-fat, adequate-protein dietary approach. Traditionally, ketogenic diets are:

  • Very high in fat (~70 – 80% of calories)
  • Very low in carbohydrate (~5% of calories or ≤ 30 grams per day)
  • Adequate in protein (~ 15 – 20% of calories)

Isn’t High Fat Dangerous?

You may be thinking, “I thought high fat was bad for you”

If you’re still stuck in the mindset that fat is bad, particularly saturated fat, give me your hand.

I’m going to pull you out of that deep, archaic rut. It’s now well established and widely accepted that saturated fat is not associated with heart-related issues and other adverse health outcomes.

If you’re wondering what is to blame, ironically, it’s the exact foods that we’ve been told to replace saturated fats with:

  1. Refined vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids (e.g., replace butter with margarine); and
  2. Refined carbohydrates and added sugars (e.g., low-fat processed foods).

EDITORS NOTE:  High-fat foods have been demonized by the mainstream media.  Did you know that there are actually 4 specific fatty foods that are proven to ACCELERATE weight loss and fat-burning?

It’s true, and even better, I show you all four at the link below…

=> 4 high-fat foods that ACCELERATE fat-burning

Anywho, the ketogenic diet may improve heart health a number of ways.

Like we’ve already mentioned, it’s been well-established to decrease body fat and improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity, all factors that influence cardiovascular health.

On top of that, multiple studies have shown that VLCKD can help maintain blood lipids (e.g., cholesterol, triglycerides) and blood pressure in a healthy range.

In fact, comprehensive review studies show that the ketogenic diet has a more favorable impact on markers of cardiovascular health than the more commonly recommended low-fat diet.

If you’re shaking your head in disbelief, I am too. But maybe for a different reason.

It is shocking, befuddling, and disappointing that the misguidance to eat low-fat and replace saturated fats with vegetable oils is still so pervasive.

What About Weight Loss?

In a randomized controlled trial published in the journal Endocrine, researchers from Spain found that obese participants following a ketogenic diet (VLCKD) for just two months lost nearly 30 pounds.

During the same time, participants following a standard low-calorie diet lost just 10 ½ pounds.

After 12 months, 88% of the folks in the VLCKD group had lost more than 10% of their initial starting weight and nearly 3 times more weight than the low-calorie group.

Several well-controlled studies have shown similarly impressive results with the ketogenic diet.

In one study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that obese men following the ketogenic diet for 4 weeks lost nearly 14 pounds—46% better results than a group eating a “moderate” carbohydrate diet.

Even more fascinating was that the men lost the weight without having to consciously restrict calories!

Meanwhile, additional randomized controlled trials have shown that participants sticking to the ketogenic diet lose 2 – 3 times more weight than a typical low-fat or heart healthy diet.

Perhaps most striking are the results from two separate systematic reviews, which arguably represent the most critical assessment on the topic.

In a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published in the British Journal of Nutrition, Brazilian researchers concluded, “Individuals assigned to a VLCKD achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to a [conventional low-fat diet] in the long-term; hence, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.”

In a meta-analysis published in The Lancet, an esteemed panel of researchers from Harvard Medical School concluded, “In weight loss trials, higher-fat weight loss interventions led to significantly greater weight loss than low-fat interventions.”

Number two is going to be some form of intense exercise.

Tip #2 – Exercise

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The intensity of exercise is what can trigger the most powerful fat burning hormone called, “growth hormone,”

Here’s the catch-22 with intense exercise, exercise will help you lose weight if you recover from it. All the benefits of exercise occurs in the recovery process.

So yes, you need to do a full-body high-intensity workout, but that will only work if you don’t over-train. It only works if you recover from that workout.

If you’re working out and you’re sore and tired the next day then give it some more time, but the combination of high intensity full-body compound resistant exercise with recovery will increase some massive growth hormone changes which then will burn fat.

For a complete body-weight program that you can literally do in your living room, check this out here!

Tip #3 – Sleep

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You should aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep because most the fat burning and benefit of exercise occurs when you’re sleeping.

If you’re only getting six hours or even seven hours of sleep, that can greatly reduce your chances of losing weight and the key is it has to be quality sleep.

Your sleeping has to be long enough and it’s totally okay if you take a nap during the day but we need that eight plus hours of sleep every night.

According to the American Sleep Institute 49% of men are suffering from a condition called Catabolic Sleep…

Which happens overnight. When your body releases a dangerous poison into your bloodstream…

Cutting your testosterone in half, shrinking your muscle size, and crushing your sex-drive…

Regardless of your age.

This overnight poison is called cortisol.

Also known as the “death hormone”, cortisol can force your body into a CATABOLIC COMA.

Causing issues every man dreads… like low-t, erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue, strength loss, and “muscle wasting”… again, this can all happen while you sleep.

Thankfully my friend Alain has overcome this and banished Catabolic sleep FOREVER!

And 2 nights ago, via Skype, he showed me a simple pre-bed routine so powerful, it kills night-time cortisol and fixes catabolic sleep.

So that you can explode your testosterone levels, stimulate muscle growth by 71%, and boost sexual performance on command… every single night.

>> Use this pre bed formula to DOUBLE your testosterone and boost muscle growth by 71% OVERNIGHT

Tip #4 – Meal Frequency (2 Meals Per Day or Intermittent Fasting)

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What if I told you there was a diet that promises permanent weight loss WITHOUT feeling hangry while maintaining lean muscle tissue, improve cardiovascular health, reverse diabetes, decrease the risk of cancer and reverse aging?

Would you try it?  Of course you would!

Well a Japanese Noble Prize Winner revealed a breakthrough anti-aging secret that forces dangerous fat cells to literally “eat themselves” in hours…leading to record breaking fat loss in just days.

What is this anti-aging weight loss secret?  Autophagy.

Autophagy happens when you apply intermittent fasting.

Autophagy is your bodies way of cleansing itself, and it’s a process that you can control.

Our cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip ’em for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts.

“Think of it as our body’s innate recycling program,”

Let me put it this way…Imagine putting your garbage down the garbage disposal and out comes the other end tools and building materials to build a new kitchen, your bathroom and all the other rooms in your house?

Well that’s what autophagy will do by simply eating in a particular feeding window known as intermittent fasting.

Sumaya Kazi was just recently featured on the Megan Kelly show where she practiced intermittent fasting and lost an astounding 50 pounds!

I can personally attest that only eating 2 meals a day (intermittent fasting) in combination of the ketogenic diet is by far the QUICKEST way to burn fat.

I’ve lost 70 pounds in just 7 months by combing the 2.

The thing we don’t want is for you to be hungry.  We don’t want you to cut calories because that doesn’t necessarily work.

The reason for not cutting calories to low is it creates starvation.

However, after applying intermittent fasting for about the first 2 weeks you’ll actually feel less hungry because it acts as sort of an appetite suppressant and will greatly improve your fat burning.

EDITORS NOTE: Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your calories in order to burn fat, Get Your Free Fat Burning Calorie Calculator For Quick Weight Loss & Burn More Fat Than You Thought Possible In 30 Days=> Fat Burning Calculator

I personally found that eating meal number one at 1 p.m. and the second meal around 5 p.m. works BEST.

This is the perfect combination because if you look at the times after 5 p.m., you’ll be fasting for 20 hours until you have your first meal the following day.

You don’t have to start there, you could simply start by doing the more popular fasting of 16:8 (fasting for 16 hours and eating between the 8 hour eating window).

More Benefits Of Fasting.

  • Reduces Blood Pressre
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Rapid Fat Loss
  • Increases Lifespan
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Reverse Diabetes
  • Decreases Hunger
  • Starves Cancer Cells
  • Appetite Blunting Effect
  • Decrease Depresson
  • Heighten Attention Span and Focus
  • May Reverse Chronic Degenerative Diseases
  • Retain Muscle Tissue

The list goes on and on.

I get quite a few questions on how you can implement fasting so I reached out to intermittent fasting expert Brad Pilon, author of “Eat Stop Eat” to set the record straight for you.

Click here and you’ll discover one simple trick that doesn’t involve eating any “special” foods, takes only 24 hours, and lets me eat my normal favorites 72% of the time…

Best of all you can start RIGHT NOW to look and feel noticeably slimmer by tomorrow!

Tip #5 – Snacking

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Snaking is the 1# weight loss scam of the 21st century!  Why?

Look around your local grocery and gas stations.  Everything is marketed to you as low fat, gluten free, high fiber, etc.

All of these foods cause you to overeat and snacking can rack up the calories making you fat.

Every time you eat (no matter what you eat) you trigger insulin and insulin blocks fat burning.

You don’t want to snack. If you want to actually have some nuts or some cheese have it at the meal not in between the meal because if you keep spiking insulin you’re never going to be able to lose weight.

A lot of people have this thing called “insulin resistance” which is basically like a pre-diabetic situation that keeps the insulin four to five times higher than an average person. So no snacking.

Only eating two meals a day will actually correct insulin resistance.

You’ll go longer and longer and you’ll add more fat if you’re hungry to those 2 meals so you can go longer without eating, but we don’t want to snack even if it’s something healthy.

Tip #6 – Protein

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When it comes to protein with your meal, you’ll only need 3 to 6 ounces.

Why?  Because if you have too much protein you can increase insulin.

Anything more than 35 grams spikes insulin so we want smaller amounts of protein.

You can have them twice a day but you don’t want to have large amounts of protein.

Tip #7 – Veggies

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You don’t like vegetables?  Well you’ll have to get over it.

You need to try to get at least 7-10 cups of veggies a day.

Now this is interesting because unless you do those vegetables you won’t get the minerals specifically potassium.

You need about 4700 milligrams of potassium every single day and that’s the quantity of vegetables that you’re supposed to consume to get that potassium.

You’re not going to get it without the potassium, you can’t curb cravings and metabolize protein as well, you can’t build your stomach acids either.

It’s the most important mineral that you need especially for losing weight and many people don’t have the quantity.

Now you just want to make sure you can have two big salads.

You can blend it but here’s the key, if you’re consuming a type of vegetable that you’re not used to like kale for example or any of the cruciferous vegetables and you start bloating or you get constipated, change up the vegetable because you don’t want to be bloated.

A lot of the microbes in your gut eat fiber and if you overwhelm the veg of the microbes with too much fiber at one time, they’re not used to it and you’re constipated, you’re bloated, you’re not going to lose weight.

So make sure you’re eating vegetables that you can digest and that you don’t have any type of digestive problems.

So those are the seven secrets to lose that ten last ten pounds of belly fat and this will work if you follow them.

A lot of times people will focus on one more than the other but whatever you’re missing, plug it in and write your success stories in the comment section below.

If you are absolutely having trouble getting in 7-10 cups of veggies a day, I would suggest you get Organifi’s “Green Juice” created by Drew Canole.

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What’s Next?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a “done-for-you” meal plan that’s been “time tested” and showed you EXACTLY what and when to eat to lose your first 10-20 pounds in 30 days?

Introducing “Keto Burn 20

Keto Burn 20 comes with:

🔥Tasty & Satisfying Keto “DONE-FOR-YOU” Meal Plans Tailored To your Body Type.

🔥Weekly 20 Minute“At Home” Follow-Along Workouts (if you prefer to avoid the gym due to the virus spreading).

🔥 4 Delicious Keto Gourmet Recipe Books

Interested?  If So, click here or the next page button below and see how I help regular people just like you from all over the world!


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