ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

If you’re looking to lose weight and body fat you want to stay away from these 6 dangerous foods. These are 6 foods you need to avoid to lose weight and simply stay healthy. These are not necessarily things you should never eat again, but be very careful to keep them to a minimum or not eat at all.

Are you trying to lose weight?

You’re working out, you’re counting calories, but still, you’re not getting any results?

It might be because you’re eating these 6 foods that keep you from shedding those extra pounds.

In this article, I’ll show you exactly what foods you must stop eating to lose weight permanently… and which foods to replace them with.

You’ve probably heard that the one thing that truly matters for weight loss and weight gain is calories in, calories out.

If you burn more calories than you eat, you should lose weight, right?

True. However, if you only eat donuts and cake, will you get the protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals you need for a lean and healthy body?

You won’t – and that’s why a proper diet is so important.

A calorie is not a calorie – some food are simply better for you than others.

EDITORS NOTE: Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your calories in order to burn fat, Get Your Free Fat Burning Calorie Calculator For Quick Weight Loss & Burn More Fat Than You Thought Possible In 30 Days=> Fat Burning Calculator

A 100 grams of fructose won’t have the same impact on the body as 100 grams of quality protein.

The fructose will lead to insulin resistance, higher ghrelin levels and increased appetite.

The protein will give you a feeling of fullness which will prevent overeating, not to mention that it will help you build muscle.

Now that you know that calories aren’t all that matters, let’s take a look at the 7 foods you should drop if you want to lose fat.

1. Sugar

weight loss

With a nickname like “white death”, it’s no surprise sugar is at the top of this list.

Sugar is nothing more than empty calories.

It has no nutritional value, no vitamins and no minerals.

It spikes your blood glucose and in the long term leads to metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular disease and especially type II diabetes.

You can even get addicted to it and suffer withdrawal symptoms because sugar causes a release of dopamine in the reward center of the brain.

Not to mention that it is extremely bad for you teeth.

So what can you when you get the sweet tooth?

Raw honey is a great substitute that won’t spike your insulin and actually has a ton of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

2. Refined Grains

weight loss

Pasta, bread, and pizza are delicious.

However, most of them are made out of refined grains.

Refined grains are high on the glycemic index and can spike your blood sugar levels, leading to weight gain and type II diabetes.

One study found that eating just two slices of white bread per day was linked to a 40% greater risk of weight gain and obesity (…).

In the process of refinement, the bran and germ of the grain are removed, along with most of the nutrients.

But don’t worry, you can still eat grains – just make sure they’re whole.

3. All sodas and sugary drinks, diet or not.

weight loss

What goes for sugar goes for sugary drinks as well.

If sugar is just empty calories, then sugary drinks are liquid calories.

The problem with these is that we don’t really detect them.

You can drink a whole meal’s worth of calories and still be hungry.

A single bottle of Coca-Cola “only” has 184 calories, but even if you just have one or two a day, they add up quickly.

The best solution is to simply cut them out completely and drink water.

4. Alcohol

weight loss

Alcohol has more calories per gram than carbs or protein.

That means it is easy to go over your week’s calories on a Friday night out.

But it’s not just the calories.

Alcohol is a poison to the body.

When you drink it, the liver burns alcohol instead of fat – stopping your fat burning for several hours.

For example, a regular beer has 150 calories.

A few of those, and some fast food at the end of the night can quickly come out to over 1000 in calories.

If you want to drink, do it in moderation.

5. Salt

weight loss

Unlike most of this list, salt is the one thing you shouldn’t give up on.

The two minerals found in it – sodium and chloride – are both necessary for optimal function of the body.

Going too low leads to higher LDL levels, increased insulin resistance, increased risk of death from heart disease, heart failure and type II diabetes.

However, too much salt has been linked to stomach cancer.

In fact, people with high salt intake have a 68% higher risk of stomach cancer. (…)

Over 90% of Americans eat too much salt (…).

But most of that comes from processed foods, which we know are bad.

If you stop eating processed foods most of the time, you don’t need to worry about salt too much.

Number 6 is going to be trans fat.

Trans Fat

weight loss

Eating fat doesn’t make you fat and not all fats are bad for you.

However, trans-fats should definitely be avoided.

Short for trans fatty acid you could find these in foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils like fried foods, margarine, baked goods and processed snack foods.

Trans fat can raise the bad LDL cholesterol and suppress the levels of HDL or good cholesterol that’ll increase your risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

To make sure you’re getting quality fats go for unsaturated ones ones like these 4 SUPER FATS.

So there you have it! The six foods you should eat less of if you want to lose weight.

In fact these foods are bad for you whether you’re trying to lose weight lose fat or gain muscle, they are simply bad for your health and I hope this article has convinced you to at least cut down on them if not to stop them completely.

What’s Next?

Now that you know the top 5 foods that could effect your weight loss efforts, there is a much better alternative.

You see some people get lean with Paleo… until they crash and burn into a pile of pasta.

Some flourish as a Vegan… until the daytime fantasies of cheeseburgers become nighttime realities.

And some drop a ton of fat on keto… until cravings strike and they wolf down 2 pounds of French fries.

Why does this merry-go-round of dieting madness continue?

There’s a common reason why these approaches can work initially, but then ultimately fail:

None of them take into account your fat burning type.

That’s what reflects your body’s unique ability to burn fat and that’s essential… because if you’re not burning fat, you’re storing fat.

While everyone is slightly different, there are 4 main fat burning types.

And your type makes a huge difference in which foods keep you lean and healthy.

If you struggle with weight loss, have you ever considered asking yourself this:

“What is my fat burning type?”

And what simple daily choices can I make to ensure I’m burning fat, instead of storing it?

If not, here’s a great place to find out which of the 4 fat burning types you are.

Over 250,000 people have tried this approach successfully.

This may finally help solve the weight loss riddle for you as well, so give it a shot.


ketogenic diet

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