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There are a number of critical mistakes that people make when they go on a ketogenic diet and a lot of it simply has to do with not knowing the science. Here are 5 of the biggest ketosis mistakes and what you can do to AVOID them.

By:  Tim Ernst – Founder of The 30 Day Fat Blast Inferno Challenge, Body Blitz Max, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

I’m gonna break down the top 5 critical ketosis mistakes that I see most people making.

The first one is one that’s obvious but people don’t always really realize and that is the fact that you’re not getting enough fats.

Mistake #1 – Not Getting Enough Fats

Ketogenic Diet

What we have to look at first and foremost is a true therapeutic form of ketogenic diet really is 90% fat, 8% protein and 2% carbs.

Now I don’t expect you to be consuming that, that’s a super therapeutic version and that’s not really practical for the everyday person, but I want to make sure that you know this because that’s where a lot of the science in terms of ketosis has been predicated upon.

What most people don’t do is get the right amount of fats.

They end up loading up on protein, they make crusts for pizza made out of chicken, they make crust for pie made out of almond flour, sure it has some fat but it’s so high in protein.

You’re filling up on that stuff and you’re not getting the fats that you need.

So by default if they were to try to get enough fats by ratio, they end up with this huge amount of calories.

Editors Note:  While high-fat foods have been demonized by the mainstream media, did you know that there are actually 4 specific fatty foods that are proven to ACCELERATE fat-burning?

It’s true, and even better, I show you all four at the link below…

=> 4 high-fat foods that ACCELERATE fat-burning

What I strongly recommend you do is cut the protein amount that you’re consuming in half and increase the fat content.

It’s gonna feel weird because it feels like you’re just consuming so many fats and you’re not supposed to be doing that in our traditional society, but the MCT oil, the coconut oil, the palm oil, all those healthy fats add up.

I highly recommend that you get yourself closer to something like an 75% fat, 20% protein and 5%t carbs if you truly want the body fat burning and the mental effects of ketosis.

The next mistake I see is not measuring properly.

Mistake #2 – Measuring and Tracking

Ketogenic Diet

You see a lot of us just don’t end up really measuring and seeing if we’re in ketosis, so we just assume that even though we’re not getting enough fats that we’re in ketosis.

That’s exactly why measuring is so critical

There’s three different critical ways that you can measure to see if you are actually in ketosis:

The first one is by measuring through your blood.

Blood meters measure your blood beta-hydroxybutyrate levels. This will tell you how far into ketosis you are and if you are producing beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the main energy source for your body when you’re in ketosis.

EDITORS NOTE: Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your calories in order to burn fat, Get Your Free Fat Burning Calorie Calculator For Quick Weight Loss & Burn More Fat Than You Thought Possible In 30 Days=> Fat Burning Calculator

The other method is using a urine strip. Urine strips measure acetoacetate.

The only downside with the urine strips is once your keto adapted, you’re not producing a lot of excess acetoacetate, they’ll stop registering you as in ketosis even if you are in ketosis they may not read it.

The third method is by measuring your breath acetone levels and there’s a lot of devices that can allow you to do that.

The most important thing here is no matter what device you’re using, you need to start measuring because you can’t track what you don’t know and you can’t truly measure your results if you don’t have the constant of knowing that you’re in ketosis.

Now let’s get into the third and what I think is the most important one hands down.

Mistake #3 – Gut Health

Ketogenic Diet

Here’s the thing when we are in ketosis we really aren’t taking care of our gut health and it has to do with a couple simple things.

It’s not that we’re just neglecting our gut health, it’s the fact that when you’re in ketosis things change.

You see we have billions of bacteria in our gut and normally the bacteria in our gut is feeding off of proteins, sugars, glucose and a little bit of fats.

However, when you’re in ketosis you’re depriving it of a lot of the glucose so it’s having to run on fats.

Well that’s okay except by and large (studies have shown) most bacteria that feed on fats are high in endotoxins. We’re talking about things like lipopolysaccharides.

Almost every diet out there relies on ketosis for fat loss! So...

How exactly do you get into ketosis? Simple!

All you have to do is eat the keto recipes in this brand new FREE cookbook called:

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What lipopolysaccharides compounds that can trigger an inflammatory response in the body and this results from what is known as gram-negative bacteria.

Gram-negative bacteria occur in our intestinal tract. They’re a natural part of life, but what we always want is a balance of gram positive and gram negative and if we have too much in the way of gram negative essentially we have too much bad bacteria.

This bad bacteria contains endotoxins which are basically toxic compounds that go inside the cell.

When these lipopolysaccharides get into the bloodstream they make us extremely sick. They can cause a lot of inflammation.

They usually pass into the bloodstream through something like a leaky gut.

When we’re in ketosis we have to be super careful because our endotoxins or a lipopolysaccharides are sky-high. We have to start taking some drastic measures.

There’s even one study that laid it out pretty good.

This study by the journal Diabetes found that those that were consuming a high-fat diet (in this particular case 72 percent fat which sounds pretty close to what you would be consuming on a ketogenic diet) ended up having extremely elevated levels of endotoxins, high levels of lipopolysaccharides.

Therefore we were able to see that yes, a high-fat diet does correlate with lipopolysaccharides and high levels of endotoxin.

I hope I’m not scaring you away from ketosis, I’m just telling you that there might be something you need to do and what I highly recommend doing is utilizing bone broth whenever possible.

The Power of Bone Broth

Ketogenic Diet

Remember the gram-negative bacteria I talked about?

Well now that only really becomes a problem when it crosses through the intestinal tract and gets into the bloodstream which occurs when you have a leaky gut or when your gut mucosa is broken down.

That’s why you want to be consuming bone broth whenever possible simply because bone broth has the collagen in it that’s going to help support that mucosal layer so that it doesn’t cross in your bloodstream.

Additionally, it has glutamine in it which not only is tremendous for your immune system, but it inhibits that gut mucosa break down in the first place.

In addition to that, it stops the apoptosis of certain bacterium.

Basically what it ends up doing is it allows the proper proliferation and growth of the good bacteria and it stops the cell dividing of the gram-negative bad bacteria.

That’s where bone broth plays a critical role.

Bone broth is an amazing super food — it’s been shown to:

* Reduce inflammation
* Improve your digestion, adrenals, bones & teeth
* Promote healthy joints, tendons, and ligaments
* Improve the function of your immune system
* Reduce wrinkles, banish cellulite, and improve the quality of your skin

And of course, a lot more!

Bone broth is filled with an abundance of healthy minerals, amino acids, protein, collagen, and gelatin — all combining to give you immense nutritional benefits.

Now, one of the challenges with bone broth is that it doesn’t always exactly taste great when you make it.

And I don’t care how motivated you are — even though you know how good bone broth is for you, if you don’t LOVE the taste of what you’re eating — you’re not going to eat it as much!

Which means you’ll end up missing out in the amazing benefits mentioned above.

Good news. My friends at Paleohacks have solved that challenge for you.

Paleohacks has released a must-have BRAND NEW Bone Broth cookbook — written by Casey Thaler – with OVER 80 tantalizing bone broth recipes, absolutely loaded with nutrients.

Inside, you’ll find recipes like:

* The Ultimate Wellness Bone Broth (by Katie The Wellness Mama)
* Fire Chili Bone Broth
* Ham & Chili Broth Stir Fry
* Ocean Stew
* Ultimate Veggie Soup
* Anti-Inflammatory Broth

And a ton more.

Grab your copy now!

>> Get your copy of the BRAND NEW Paleohacks Bone Broth Cookbook here

Now let’s go into the fourth most common mistake that people make and that is simply not drinking enough water because it’s so crazy easy to get dehydrated when you’re in ketosis.

Mistake #4 – Hydration

Ketogenic Diet

Here’s what you have to remember, for every one gram of carbohydrate that you consume you hold approximately 3.7 to 4 grams of water.

When you start depriving your body of carbohydrates your body’s gonna start losing that excess water which means you’re not going to be retaining that excess water.

Therefore your over all dehydrated but additionally, your insulin levels are going to be low and insulin helps tell the kidneys how to retain water or how to flush it.

When your insulin levels are low, your kidneys don’t quite regulate water the way that they should so you get dehydrated a lot easier.

You basically have a double whammy, you have the combination of not retaining water from the carbohydrates and you have the kidneys working against you by flushing water.

So make sure that you’re constantly staying hydrated as much as possible.

Unfortunately the water it’s going to run right through you so you’re gonna probably be hitting the restroom a lot and that leads me in to the fifth most common mistake that ties right in with number four.

Mistake #5 – Not Getting Enough Minerals

Ketogenic Diet

You see what comes with urinating a lot is that you’ll be losing a lot of minerals like magnesium, sodium and potassium.

People freak out about sodium because they don’t want sodium.

However, the simple science is that sodium is so critical for proper water retention. Make sure you’re adding salt to your food when you’re in ketosis.

Make sure you’re eating lots of things like spinach and almonds that are going to help you get the magnesium in or at least take a magnesium supplement if you can’t do that.

Potassium you’ll get that from avocados and cream of tarter. It’s really easy to get and you just want to make sure you’re adding it in.

Most importantly, get the sodium in so that you get the water into the cell and into the muscle so that you can actually feel good.

A lot of times the reason that people feel fatigued is either because their gut health is suffering, they don’t have enough fats or their mineral deficient.

So as always make sure that you’re paying close attention to what I said in this article so that you can get the most out of your life.

What’s Next?

The ketogenic diet is the hottest diet of 2018 because it helps you quickly lose stubborn fat… it reduces fat storing inflammation… it helps you live longer and avoid today’s most deadly diseases.

But there are several problems that accompany a “traditional” high fat keto diet:

  • You like to eat carbs?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Want to eat some healthy, ripe fruits that are in season?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Too much protein in that delicious steak or bacon you just ate?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Want to have a glass (or two) or red wine, a few beers, or cocktails? You guessed right….You are out of ketosis.

Bottom line:

Permanent ketosis is not healthy, fun, OR realistic for anybody to follow long term, which is exactly why there’s a new, upgraded version that produces rapid results in only 14 days

It’s called, The “Targeted” Keto Diet and people have used it to drop pounds of unwanted belly flab, WITHOUT avoiding carbs, desserts, or alcohol

It all started by eating the 4 SUPER FATS at the right time over a very short 14 day period (a few of them are probably in your kitchen right now)…

intermittent fasting


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