
Tim Ernst is the founder of TurnAroundFitness.com. He created this site for guys having trouble putting on weight and gaining muscle.  He is also the creator of 8WMM Program (8 Week Muscle Make Over)


There I was in high school “the skinny guy.”
I was 140 pounds soaking wet.  I felt so insecure and had ZERO Confidence.  It was so bad that I NEVER had a girlfriend all through school, I mean NEVER!  Just take a look at the picture to the left of this page, I’m standing with the NOTORIOUS fig leaf pose with my hands in front of me.  I always wanted a girlfriend but I was so insecure that just the thought of talking to an attractive girl made me deathly afraid.  I was horrible in social situations and always felt left out.

Later I thought by playing some sport like basketball would help but it didn’t.  I mean playing basketball made me even THINNER, NOT GOOD!   I got so frustrated that I began to go within myself and became a loner.  I needed an escape and a few years later I got mixed up with the wrong crowd.  I started partying, drinking alcohol and later drugs.  I used all of this as a mask to hide from all my fears.

During this confused and crazy time in my life I was desperate to get a girlfriend.  I’ll never forget that day when I was standing in my room thinking, “I’m going to go out and just find anybody who would give me the time of day.”  I went out that night, walked into a pool hall and didn’t see much going on or anyone that I wanted to be with.  I was with a friend and told him we should just leave.  Suddenly as I was walking out the door a cue ball hit the floor and rolled onto my foot.  I picked it up, turned and there she was.  I approached her and gave her the ball and she asked her friend if she would let my friend and I play with them.  Her friend said yes and it was game on.

The year was 2001 and I ended up dating this girl for almost six years and then found out she cheated on me!  I was devastated and hurt all at the same time.  I broke up with her and spent a week in agony wanting her back but I knew I couldn’t.  After a week she was calling me in desperation saying she was sorry and wanted me back so I did.  What a mistake that was.

Just when things seem to be getting better it got worse, I mean really BAD!

By this time I was 25 years of age and I had a brother 13 months younger than me who I was very close to.  He became addicted to drugs as well. I could vividly remember earlier that day he called me at my job to ask if he could borrow money so that he could go to this concert called, “LIVE STOCK” that night.  Now I always would let my brother borrow money but some little voice told me not to this time.  I though that he was just going to feed is drug addiction and at this point I had quit all the partying and drugs.

He argued with me about it and said that I cared more about my cheating girlfriend than my own brother.  That really hurt to hear, I did care for him, we were inseparable.  He was the best friend I ever had.  When I came home my brother was there trying to fix his flat tire on is car.  I thought maybe this was a good thing because he wouldn’t be able to go to the concert that night.  Anyway, being that we were so close I offered to help him but he refused, he was still mad that I wouldn’t let him borrow any money.  He ended up fixing it himself and we both got into our cars and drove are separate ways.  I remember looking into my rear view mirror and seeing him drive off in the distance.

That night I got a call at around 4:30 in the morning.  It was one of my brothers friends.  I got on the phone and he told me that my brother had passed out and the paramedics who were on the grounds of the concert that night took him to the hospital.  One of the guys that was living with my brother and I got up and drove us to the hospital.  When we arrived we went straight to see the doctor and he told us that he was brain dead, there was nothing they could do.  I was in total disbelief.  I didn’t know what to feel, I was numb.

I made the call to my parents and told them what happened.  When they arrived it was a horrific scene.  My mom was praying in the chapel, my dad went out side and yelled with a sorrowful voice, “MY SON, MY SON!”  When we went to go see my brother and it was a sight I will never forget.  Apparently he overdosed on a powerful perscription drug and quit breathing.

That night my parents and I went home and the next morning my mind still could not comprehend what had just happened.  We drove back to the hospital to see my brother one more time before we said our goodbyes.  As we walked into the room to say our goodbyes my parents went first and I was last.
I remember what he told me the day before about me not caring about him.  So I leaned over and whispered into is ear, “Jason you were wrong, I did care about you.  After I said that my family and I turned around and left the room to never see him again.

Remember that girl I took back? We were engaged by this time and she decides to leave me 4 months later after my brothers death.  What a horrific time and loss.  My brother died and my fiance leaves.  I was standing at the crossroads not knowing what to do.  I hated life, I hated the fact I was skinny and I had ENOUGH!

Then one day a co-worker introduced me to the gym.  He thought it would be a good idea to get my mind off of things and start my life over.  He believed that if I could change my body from skinny to jacked my life would begin to turn around.  He began showing me things on how I could gain weight and build muscle through proper lifting techniques and proper nutrition.

I started to get bigger and bigger and I had to go out and buy all new clothes (No MORE BAGGY CLOTHES for ME!)  My life stared to change in ways that I thought weren’t possible.  I started to feel more confident, assertive, girls started to notice me, guys were taking notice and showing me respect.  Things were getting really good for a change.

Over 8 weeks I gained slabs of muscle and had a new confidence that made me feel UN-STOPABLE! The hard times seem to disappear.

Gradually I got more and more fit. I’ve met some great fitness gurus and experts along the way.  They were instrumental in my quest to build the physique I only dreamed about.

After having some success I’ve had friends ask me about it and even asked me if I was on steroids.  That was a great feeling.  So I put together everything I learned over the years and created a system that gave other guys success to.  I took all the knowledge I learned and created a system that can help you to live a life that you’ve only dreamed of.

Fast forward to today…I bulked up to 215 pounds, I’m confidant, Masculine, Assertive, have no problems in social situations, and most of all… I found and married the woman of my dreams!

You to can gain weight and build muscle no matter how skinny you are.  If you are sick and tired, SICK and Tired Its an adventure that you will never regret, but it’s going to take some effort and most of all some heart.