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If you’re skinny and looking for a muscle building plan that works, Here’s how to construct your weekly training routine using these 6 CRITICAL rules.

Remember, never fix something that isn’t broken, so if you’re a beginner bodybuilder on a muscle building program and you like to select body parts to train based on how sore they are and it works, stick with what you’re doing.

On the contrary, if you’re skinny and looking for a plan that works for you, then this is an ideal place for you to be.

Here, you can find a wonderful resource for constructing your weekly training routine and a body part combination program that meets your needs.

This information is based on my own experience and the time I spent training skinny guys.

If you’re more into academia and research than experience-based information, then you’re still in the right place, because much of this information is based upon detailed studies.

by Vince Delmonte: Creator of Gene Expression Training and No Nonsense Muscle Building

Stop Chasing Two Goals at the Same Time!

You’re probably familiar with the saying, if you try to chase two rabbits, both are sure to escape.

This also applies to training and how it should be split up.

Keep in mind, each day that you wake is a new start and a new opportunity to morph your so-so, skinny fame into a hunky, beastly body that will surely earn you some respect from other men and get you noticed by the ladies.

You should invest your time each day into working out at a gym, not just spending time there.

After you begin doing this, you can have the body that shows you’re in control of your physique and your destiny.

You HAVE the power to get the body and whatever else, for that matter, that you want out of life.

Discontinue your current muscle building routine of going to the gym and wasting your time.

In other words, stop working on multiple body parts when the muscle groups that are assisting these parts aren’t fully recovered yet.

muscle building


Whether you’re skinny and looking to get bigger or just looking for more size, here’s how to gain weight and build up to 10 pounds of muscle in 30 days…

=> Gain 10 Pounds in 30 Days

Is it really practical to expect your muscles to develop, when you don’t set them up to excel and train to their maximum capacity?

Your weekly muscle building training needs to consist of a well-planned workout that is based on your previous workout, as well as the workout to follow.

This is much easier when it’s just on paper, but one workout split isn’t the only method to break up your muscle building routine. In fact, it’s just an instance where you can have a nearly perfect split.

Mainly, this article is to help you understand that success relies on what you do today, what you did yesterday and what you’ll do tomorrow.

What a Lack of Planning Results In…

muscle building

  • Let’s say you trained your chest yesterday, and you’re still sore from it the following day. When you’re at the gym, this pain will put a damper on your leg training.
  • Now, it’s arm day. Your biceps are swollen and you’re experiencing some tightness, because of the chin-ups you did yesterday. You obviously are in no condition to train your back today.
  • Your triceps are sore from the super-sets you did on them yesterday. Since today is chest day, how are you going to bench press?

Maybe this sounds like something you’ve grown accustomed to; however, it’s an indication that there’s not any planning involved in your training.

During this article, I’ll give you an example of how a seven-day routine should look. It might sound like an overabundance of work, but if you’re serious about getting in shape, then it’s a necessity.

1. Remember that Big Muscle Groups Should Not be Near the Small Muscle Groups.

muscle buildingLet’s say you start by training your arms on Monday.

The advantages of this include your arms being fresh when you’re training other body parts like your back, shoulders or chest.

Therefore, your arms need to be away from these parts when you create your plan, since your large muscle groups will suffer from working your arms the day before.

Additionally, science states that partnering antagonist muscle groups with agonist muscle groups consequently leads to a boost in the second group of muscles to be trained. Thus, it’s vital to alternate how you train your arms on every Monday.

For example, if you begin working on your biceps this week, you’ll want your arm workout next Monday to start with your triceps.

2. Make Your Legs Special.

muscle buildingYour legs should have their own day.

So now that it’s Tuesday, you should train your legs, due to the fact that skinny guys need to particularly focus on the leg muscles.

Large muscles groups like those within your legs stress your heart and the rest of your body.

Your arms are basically useless anyways when you’re leg training, so in all actuality it doesn’t matter if they’re sore.

In addition, the energy you use training your legs should take all your energy. You should not be able to train a second body part on the same day you’re doing your legs.

Finally, after your leg training, you should definitely have worked up an appetite. This will assist you in maintaining your high calorie diet.

This is a vital aspect of growing your arms and allowing them to recover from the day before.

3. Always Follow the Two Day Off, One Day On Rule.

muscle buildingSkinny guys are in luck with this rule, since it’s most likely the most effective muscle building split for their body type.

A person’s glycogen reserve diminishes as a consequence of two days of continual training, at least that’s what I’ve found to be true.

Moreover, strategically scheduling your rest days aids in the prevention of your glycogen reserve becoming low, which means you can train fresher on your workout days.

This method helps to guarantee you won’t have nervous system or hormonal fatigue throughout your workout on Thursday or Friday.

When you have that extra day on the weekend, it will ward off fatigue caused by your weekly training.

4. Chest and Shoulders Need to Learn to Share!

muscle buildingThis is my personal favorite for body part combinations.

They might both be large muscle groups that comprise your upper body; however, you haven’t centered your training on the arms since Monday. You know what that means?

Your shoulders and arms are well rested, so you can go until they can’t take any more. Because of the location of the chest and shoulders, there’s a lot of overlap when it comes to muscle groups.

They both require pressing motions, and your shoulder’s anterior head is used a great deal when you’re exercising your chest. Personally, I work my upper traps on this day, as well.

Working your shoulders has a direct effect on your traps.

5. Your Back, Need I Say More?

muscle buildingLight headedness is oftentimes symptomatic of a back workout.

Working on your back entails using a lot of your energy reserve; hence, you must have optimal energy and you shouldn’t be experiencing any tightness in your legs and lower back.

And of course, your biceps must have already recovered to allow you to receive the most beneficial workout from weighted chin-ups and heavy rows.

6. Make One Day of the Weekend an Active Day.

muscle buildingDesignate Saturday as your active day. Work on your cardio, calves and abs. Do a little cardio, but don’t exceed more than 40 minutes of it. Then, you should work on your legs and calves.

Generally, these body parts don’t have a correlation with other muscle groups.

Sunday can be your day off to relax, but make sure you rest and eat on this day. What a life, huh? You get an entire day to take it easy and chow down!

Like all workout plans, there are imperfections. But, I would continue a regimen for about four to six weeks.

My other books and videos note that training a muscle only once a week has a negative impact on a workout routine, but this concept related directly to body part optimization.

Ask yourself if there are changes you can make to the routine you currently implement.

I chalk up my success as a body builder to a well-coordinated schedule that leaves me without any doubt of what I’m going to work on each day.

My time and energy at the gym is not squandered on thinking about if this program is right for me.

I can be reassured when I walk into the gym that it’s effective because I planned accordingly by using these six rules.

What’s Next?

If you could snap your finger and instantly have more lean muscle… how many pounds would you add to your frame?

Remember, we’re talking pure muscle. No fat.

5 pounds? 10? Maybe 20 pounds?

Well, it can be done… maybe not at the snap of a finger… but you can still pack on a ton of attention-grabbing muscle WITHOUT taking roids or going on hormones…

Anyway, if you consider yourself to be a “skinny guy”…

Or maybe you just want to pack on a few pounds of rock-hard mass… you’ll want to check this out…

=> “Skinny Guys” Are Going Crazy Over This Book (only 87 FREE copies left)

intermittent fasting


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