ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Here’s How to Lose 5.5 LBS [Literally Overnight] Using This 1 Eating Technique. Just Make Sure You AVOID These 5 Mistakes When Doing It!

What if I told you there was a diet that promises permanent weight loss WITHOUT feeling hangry while maintaining lean muscle tissue, improve cardiovascular health, reverse diabetes, decrease the risk of cancer and reverse aging?

Would you try it?  Of course you would!

By:  Instagram Influncer Tim Ernst – Founder of Intermittent Keto Fasting 

Well a Japanese Noble Prize Winner revealed a breakthrough anti-aging secret that forces dangerous fat cells to literally “eat themselves” in hours…leading to record breaking fat loss in just days.

What is this anti-aging weight loss secret?  Autophagy.

Autophagy happens when you apply intermittent fasting.

Autophagy is your bodies way of cleansing itself, and it’s a process that you can control.

Our cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip ’em for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts.

“Think of it as our body’s innate recycling program,”

Let me put it this way…Imagine putting your garbage down the garbage disposal and out comes the other end tools and building materials to build a new kitchen, your bathroom and all the other rooms in your house?

Well that’s what autophagy will do by simply eating in a particular feeding window known as intermittent fasting.

Sumaya Kazi was just recently featured on the Megan Kelly show where she practiced intermittent fasting and lost an astounding 50 pounds!

I can personally attest that only eating 2 meals a day (intermittent fasting) in combination of the ketogenic diet is by far the QUICKEST way to burn fat.

I’ve lost 70 pounds by combing the 2.

The thing we don’t want is for you to be hungry.  We don’t want you to cut calories because that doesn’t necessarily work.

The reason for not cutting calories to low is it creates starvation.

However, after applying intermittent fasting for about the first 2 weeks you’ll actually feel less hungry because it acts as sort of an appetite suppressant and will greatly improve your fat burning.

EDITORS NOTE:  What if there was a trick you can do with your diet, that doesn’t involve eating only “healthy” foods, takes just 24 hours and could help you lose 5-10lbs! Would you be interested in that?

I just used this trick just the other day and lost 6lbs in just 24 hours!!! Here it is...

=> 24 Hour Trick You Can Use To Lose 5-10lbs

I personally found that eating meal number one at 1 p.m. and the second meal around 5 p.m. works BEST.

This is the perfect combination because if you look at the times after 5 p.m., you’ll be fasting for 20 hours until you have your first meal the following day.

You don’t have to start there, you could simply start by doing the more popular fasting of 16:8 (fasting for 16 hours and eating between the 8 hour eating window).

More Benefits Of Fasting.

  • Reduces Blood Pressre
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Rapid Fat Loss
  • Increases Lifespan
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Reverse Diabetes
  • Decreases Hunger
  • Starves Cancer Cells
  • Appetite Blunting Effect
  • Decrease Depression
  • Heighten Attention Span and Focus
  • May Reverse Chronic Degenerative Diseases
  • Retain Muscle Tissue

The list goes on and on.

However, most of you probably don’t know that if you set up your intermittent fasting plan incorrectly it can make you fatter rather than leaner.

So today I want to go over 5 of the top intermittent fasting mistakes so you can avoid them and get the fastest results possible.

The last mistake is one you’ve probably never even considered so make sure you read the entire article.

The very first mistake I want to go over has to do with people’s lack of patience.

Mistake #1 Patience

weight loss

So many people start fasting and all they can think about is how badly they want to lose weight or body fat and what’s quickest way to do it.

So what they do is they spend the whole day or part of the day not eating and then finally when they’re feeding window arrives and they’re finally allowed to eat they still try to severely restrict calories.

One of my favorite things about fasting is that it teaches you how to listen to your body and how to eat normally without having to think about every last calorie.

This is what allows fasting to be an appropriate lifestyle dieting approach for the long run.

Fasting allows you to reteach your body how to stop eating when you’re full.

EDITORS NOTE:  High-fat foods have been demonized by the mainstream media.  Did you know that there are actually 4 specific fatty foods that are proven to ACCELERATE weight loss and fat-burning?

It’s true, and even better, I show you all four at the link below…

=> 4 high-fat foods that ACCELERATE fat-burning

However, a lot of people that think that they’re going to get results faster continue to deprive themselves of food even when they’re allowed to eat.

Not only is this physically stressful on your body but it’s also extremely mentally stressful on your willpower and your mind.

In the long run this is completely unsustainable and will most likely lead you to a big bad binge.

Binging can lead you into a downward spiral that causes you to regain all the body fat that you might have lost from fasting.

To prevent this make sure you allow yourself to eat sensible options all the way until you’re full.

As long as you’re having real natural single-ingredient foods you’ll feel full long before you go over your total daily allotted calories.

Of course there is the issue of going to far in the opposite direction and that’s what leads us to mistake number two which is definitely one of the worst mistakes you can make and that’s binging as soon as your fasting window has ended.

Mistake #2 Binging

weight loss

A lot of you especially if you’re new to fasting might be sitting there everyday just counting down the seconds until you’re finally allowed to eat.

During that wait your mind is giving you all kinds of suggestions of what will help you feel full and satisfied as soon as you can eat again and unfortunately most of those suggestions are going to be the junk food that you’ve been mentally obsessing over and craving.

Even if you’re eating fewer meals per day if you binge and satisfy your unhealthy cravings every time that you eat, you won’t get much results.

However don’t worry, there are a few simple tips that can help you avoid binging every time you eat.

First of all when your brand new to fasting and your first starting off make sure you’re tracking your calories and macros to be sure you’re not going way over your daily allotted calories.

If you don’t know what calories and macros you need for weight loss, you can use my calorie calculator below.

EDITORS NOTE:  Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your calories in order to burn fat, Get Your Free Fat Burning Calorie Calculator For Quick Weight Loss & Burn More Fat Than You Thought Possible In 30 Days=> Fat Burning Calculator

Then after eating you can just plug in everything that you ate and make sure that you didn’t go over your totals.

What if you don’t want to track your calories in your macros?

Well the second thing you can do is have a meal sitting in the fridge already prepped and ready to go.

By having a meal ready you don’t have to go through the grueling process of cooking after a long period of fasting because a lot of you will start eating easy to access junk food while cooking your meal.

If you start eating junk food while prepping a healthy meal by the time you’re done cooking, you’ll already wolf down sometimes five hundred all the way up to a thousand calories.

So don’t tax your will power, have the healthy meal ready to go.

My last tip to help you with this issue is to actually indulge in your cravings but only after you’ve already filled up on a healthy meal.

Eat your vegetables first, followed by your protein source, followed by fruit and your healthy carb source then you can finally make room for snacks and cravings.

By satisfying your cravings after you’re no longer extremely hungry, you typically will have much less chances of a full out binge eating episode.

Keep in mind intermittent fasting works because ultimately you eat less, fasting may give you more room for the foods you enjoy but it’s not an excuse to eat whatever you want.

Let’s move on to mistake number 3.

Mistake #3 Eating or Drinking That Takes You Out Of Your Fast

weight loss

Many of you may like having coffee every morning and the good news is even while your fasting you can but, I’m sure that most of you have heard that you want to stick with black coffee.

The reason you’re typically given is because even though creamer may not be very high in calories it can take you out of your fasted state and prevent you from burning as much of your own fat.

However, this is not entirely true.

Many people add butter, MCT oil, or coconut oil to their coffee because none of those pure fats will spike your insulin levels very much at all.

Most creamers are very low in carbs and are higher in fat.

Even though adding a creamer can slow down weight loss a little, you still should stay in a fat burning state.

Remember you want to stick to a creamer that is higher in fat and low in carbohydrates.

Even half and half is almost better than all low fat creamers.

The fat in low fat creamers and non fat creamers are mainly replaces with simple carbs that you want to stay away from.

If you can’t have your coffee black the key with coffee creamers is to go light on the cream.

Put just enough in your coffee for you to be able to drink it.

Get Lean While Quarantined. We’re GIVING It Away 100% FREE.

          1. -Discover the 5 Intermittent Fasting Hacks To Maximize Energy & Fat Loss
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The only time that this could be a problem, is if you are having 4 or 5 cups of coffee a day.If you are only having one cup of coffee, a tiny bit of cream will most likely not break you out of your fast.The bigger problem is sugar, there should not be any sugar in your coffee because that will spike your blood sugar and insulin levels that will most certainly break you out of your fast.Most people know this and will replace the sugar with an artificial sweetener but this can be a big problem.

The problem with this is that some artificial sweeteners have shown to increase insulin levels.

So do your best to stay away form artificial sweeteners while fasting.

This isn’t to say that you should be obsessing over whether you can have a piece of sugar free gum or not because the amount of artificial sweetener in one pice of gum is basically negligible.

However, if you are consuming 4 or 5 packets of equal, splenda or stevia and throwing it into your morning coffee, not only can you throwing yourself out of your fast but you can potentially make yourself crave sweets even more.

The same thing goes for sugar free drinks like coke 0, or crystal light.

Aside from the negative effect of breaking your fast, you should avoid these drinks because of the harmful effects of aspartame alone.

On top of that specially in the coke 0 and other sugar free drinks there are additional sweeteners on top of the aspartame that have shown to be insuligenic.

If you are drinking a lot of diet soda you’re definitely going to run into problems.

The fourth mistake that I see people making all the time is an overall fear of being hungry.

Mistake #4 Hunger

weight loss

Many people when they feel hungry they feel like something is wrong or something is going to go wrong so what do they do? They eat right away.

This can not only ruin your fast, but it can completely turn you off to fasting due to a fear that something is going to go wrong.

You have to understand when you first start fasting you’re body is still in its regular eating pattern.

A lot of people feel like their morning breakfast cravings will never go away.

The truth is your body will adjust over time and you’ll feel less hungry at breakfast time as you get more used to not having your breakfast.

Your hunger hormones are released during the same times of the day that you are used to eating.

You can see this in your pets. You pets will start getting anxious and they will start looking for their food at the same time everyday without being able to read a clock.

Our bodies are operate on an internal schedule.

If you have a lot of trouble with hunger when you first start fasting, try to at first cut out all carbohydrates for breakfast and stick to a primary high fat, moderate protein diet such as koto.

Then work your way to having a smaller breakfast then delay your breakfast a little later in the day.

Finally you’ll work your way to skiping breakfast altogether.

The last mistake you want to avoid s a mistake that most people that do early morning workouts make over and over again.

Mistake #5 Protein Shakes

weight loss

People are still under the impression that directly after your workout you have to have a protein shakes soon as possible or else your muscles will not start repairing.

So someone that wakes up at 6 a.m. to get an early morning workout will immediate have a protein shake even though they’re supposed to be fasting until noon or 1 o’clock.

The problem with this is that protein (especially whey protein) is extremely insulingenic, meaning having a protein shake after your workout will throw you out of your fast and no it’s not just because the protein shake has calories it’s because of insulin.

In fact,there’s a lot of debate about whether having even BCCA’s or branched-chain amino acids can throw you out of your fast because even they are considered insulingenic by many experts.

You don’t have to worry about your muscles not repairing if you wait after your workout until you’re eating window.

If your main goal is fat loss I highly recommend that you wait.

If your main goal is to bulk up and get as muscular as possible, then fasting may not even be the most appropriate diet plan for you at this current time because fasting makes it hard to create enough of the calorie surplus to significantly bulk up.

However, for those of you that are primarily looking to lose some body fat with fasting you’ll be better off saving the protein shake till later or ditch all together.

What’s Next?

Here’s the truth…

I just used a simple trick that doesn’t involve eating any “special” foods, takes only 24 hours, and lets me eat my normal favorites 72% of the time…

Best of all you can start RIGHT NOW to look and feel noticeably slimmer by tomorrow!

I’m losing weight every time I use this trick — 5.5 lbs this last time

And a good chunk of this weight loss comes from your MOST stubborn and hard-to-lose body fat!

=> I’m losing 5.5 LBS [literally overnight]

However keep in mind, this trick is so effective we only recommend you do it once — maybe twice — per week.

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