ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Fasting is great for weight loss & for creating a meal plan that’s easy to stick to with many other health benefits. Learn how to lose belly fat in 5 days with a customized and flexible intermittent fasting plan.

By:  Instagram Influncer Tim Ernst – Founder of 28 Day Fat Exterminator Challenge, Intermittent Keto Fasting, Get Lean In Quarantine, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

Wouldn’t it be amazing to start losing belly fat in as little as 5 days without being on a super restrictive diet.

Well that’s exactly what I’m going to explain to you in this article.

By the end of this article you’ll know exactly how to setup your own flexible dieting plan in a way that fits perfectly with your food preferences and your lifestyle.

One of my favorite type of flexible dieting approach is fasting and I’m going to teach you how to customize your own fasting plan from beginning to end.

Just to be clear, I want to make sure you understands what a flexible dieting plan is and why it’s so much better than a restrictive dieting model for long term fat loss and weight maintenance.

Flexible Diets

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Most diet plans have a list of foods that you can eat and a list of foods that you cant eat.

A lot of them also have rules like, what time of the day to eat your meals, how many meals you should have in a day, and many diet plans require you to weigh out your food down to the Gram.

Flexible dieting gets rid of all of these stressful rules allowing you to feel like you’re not dieting at all.

Now belly fat isn’t going to come off separately from other fat in your body.

I said this many times before, your body loses fat as one unit and there’s no way to target your belly.

However, if your goal is to lose belly fat and fat around your midsection in general then your focus should be on creating a sustainable diet plan that helps you burn fat from your whole body.

This is exactly what I’m going to show you right now.

Customized Intermittent Fasting Plan

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With flexible dieting there isn’t any one method that you must stick to because that wouldn’t be very flexible at all.

There are many approaches laid out for you and one of my favorites structures for flexible dieting is fasting.

When I say fasting most people are think of intermittent fasting.

In case you don’t know what it is intermittent fasting is it involves an 8-hour feeding period that you could pick at any point of the day and then you would fast the other 16 hours of the day. That’s just one of many ways.

Intermittent fasting is super popular but it’s definitely not the only way to fast on a flexible dieting plan.

Many people will take an entirely different fasting approach like eating normally for five days of the week and then they’ll spend two days of the week eating either 0 calories or close to no calories.

One method that I found to work very well with intermittent fasting is Keto.

I would eat my first Keto meal at 12 p.m. and my other meal around 6 p.m. I lost a lot of weight using these 2 methods.

Editors Note:   If you want to burn belly fat and finally get rid of that spare tire you’ve been carrying around, you need to start eating THESE 4 ‘high-fat’ foods...

That’s the advice of a top scientist at Stanford University, who discovered that combining these 4 ingredients – which are packed full of delicious and satisfying “fats” – can actually ‘flip’ your metabolic switch and turn your body into a fat burner, instead of a fat storer.

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Anyway, fat loss is a process that occurs over the course of time and it’s about total calories and macros over that span of time.

If you happen to overeat calories two or three days out of the week but then have two or three fasting days, your total calories will balance out and you could still wind up with a calorie deficit at the end of that week, meaning you’re going to burn fat..

So the way that you would structure your fasting plan is first decide how would you like to eat.

Do you want to eat twice a day, 3 times a day, once a day or do you want to completely fast some days in order to be able to eat more on the other days.

The less time in the week that your willing to dedicate to fasting the more careful you have to be with exceeding too many calories and vice-versa.

The more time you dedicate to fasting the more you can get away with during your feeding periods.

To help you out I’ll give you some templates.

Examples Of Fasting

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As you know there’s intermittent fasting which is roughly two to three meals a day with 8 hours eating and 16 hours fasting.

There’s also the warrior diet where you have a 4 hour eating window and a twenty hour fast allowing you one to two meals a day.

Another template is “omad” or one meal a day which is exactly what it sounds like you pick one time every day that you’re going to eat at and then fast until that time again the next day.

The last template I want to go over is the 5-2 diet where you’re gonna eat normally five days of the week and then spend two days of the week completely fasting where you’re having very very few calories like under 500 or 0.

All of these structures will work, but you have to pick the one that best suits you.

Keep in mind as you fast longer you’ll become more capable of doing harder fasts like The Warrior Diet and the one meal a day plan.

EDITORS NOTE: Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

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If your brand new to fasting it’s good to start with intermittent fasting because it gives you the longest feeding window and then you can slowly progress to tougher fasting schedules.

Before you’re able to completely do this based on intuition alone, you will have to first track some calories and some macros to get a good idea of what your totals are.

Now keep in mind this is only temporary until you realize about how much food you should be eating for the whole week to lose body fat.

You can calculate your calories and macros by using my calorie calculator that I’ve linked up below at the bottom of this page.

It’ll give you a total amount of calories for fat loss as well as what your best macros would be based on your body.

Once you have those calories and those macros for the day you can divide them up based on what plan you’re going for.

For example, if you’re doing intermittent fasting and you’re going to have three meals a day you can have all even meals by having 33% of your calories for your first meal, your second meal and your third meal if

If you’re a big fan of dinner you could put 20% of your calories for your first meal, 20% of your calories for your second meal and then 60% of your calories for your last meal.

You would track that for the first week or so and you really would want to use an app like my Fitness Pal.

Let’s say you were doing the 5:2 approach.

The 5:2 Approach

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In this situation you would multiply the total calories and macros that you get from my calorie calculator by seven days for (seven days a week) and then divide by five since you’re only going to be eating five days of the week and fasten the other two days.

That will give you the calories and macros for each of those five days that you’re eating during the week.

From there you can once again divide that within the day if you want 10% for breakfast, 30% for lunch and 60% for dinner or whatever division you want like I just stated earlier.

You can do this for any one of the diet templates that I talked about or you can create your own template as long as you understand the core concepts that I covered.

You can have one day during the week where you fast, the other six days where you eat more normally or you can have three days of very low calories and then the other four days with a lot higher calories.

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You can also do intermittent fasting one day, then the warrior diet the next day and then the rest of the week you could do one meal a day as long as you follow the concepts that I just outlined in this article and use the calculator at first to make sure that you’re not exceeding calories.

Just because you’re fasting doesn’t mean that you can’t still exceed calories or macros as long as you do it like that for the first week or so.

You can set up your own customized fast and diet plan and then make adjustments based on how your body responds.

Once you create your perfect plan you’ll start seeing results in as little as three days, but remember you have to be consistent to allow your progress to stack up.

What’s Next?

I get quite a few questions on how you can implement fasting so I reached out to intermittent fasting expert Brad Pilon, author of “Eat Stop Eat” to set the record straight for you.

Click the Next page button below and you’ll discover one simple trick that doesn’t involve eating any “special” foods, takes only 24 hours, and lets me eat my normal favorites 72% of the time…

Best of all you can start RIGHT NOW to look and feel noticeably slimmer by tomorrow!

intermittent fasting



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