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Want to make sure you’re getting the most out of ketosis to feel better, burn fat while keeping lean muscle? Here are 3 of the most eye-opening Tips & Tricks you can use when you’re on a ketogenic diet so you’ll know that you’re doing it right!

The ketogenic diet is the hottest diet of 2018 because it helps you quickly lose stubborn fat… it reduces fat storing inflammation… it helps you live longer and avoid today’s most deadly diseases.

However, many people make mistakes that kick them completely out of ketosis.

Here are 3 tips that you can use while you’re on the ketogenic diet to make sure you’re always in ketosis.

By:  Instagram Influncer Tim Ernst – Founder of 28 Day Fat Exterminator Challenge, Intermittent Keto Fasting, Get Lean In Quarantine, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes


Ketogenic Diet

Using MCT oil is perhaps the most important thing one can do to get into ketosis and maintain it.

A diet that consists of long chain fatty acids depends upon 80-90% of calories coming from fat. Adding in lots of MCT oil brings this down to 60-70% fats.

This is because MCTs are immediately metabolized into ketone bodies and used for energy quickly in the body.

You probably know that you SHOULD be using coconut oil daily for it's many health benefits (burn fat, boost metabolism, protect your brain, stabilize blood sugar...and that's just a few!) but you probably don't have any real idea how to add it to your diet in a delicious way.

=> Here are 10 ways to add it to your diet.

Many people believe that coconut oil is the same as MCT oil; however, MCT oil is made from coconut oil, it contains 100% pure medium chain triglycerides (capric and caprylic acids).

Coconut oil contains about 35% long chain trigylceride (LCT) and 50% lauric acid, which means that coconut oil is only 15% MCT and only 1/6th as ketogenic as pure MCT oil.

More simply, MCT’s can be metabolized quickly into ketone bodies, which means that the body metabolizes the MCTS’s quickly because it recognizes them as more of a carb than a fat.

MCT’s have also shown to enhance thermogenesis in the body, thereby promoting fat burning.

MCT’s also have fewer calories, which will essentially allow you consume more proteins and carbs, making ketosis easier to maintain.

Consume Enough Salt

Ketogenic Diet

On a glucose-based diet, glycogen is produced in the liver, which is water-soluble and transported around the body in your blood.

The blood stream distributes energy to all the cells and muscles that need it.

Glycogen is also stored in the muscles, so the blood-motorway tops-up these stores when required.

Glycogen is transported in liquid and is water-soluble – glycogen itself contains a lot of water. It’s stored in liquid form – three to four parts water to one part glycogen

When you restrict carbohydrate, you stop consuming glucose, which is from what glycogen is made

Your stores of glycogen therefore deplete as your body burns energy, and because glycogen carries 3-4 parts water; your body loses a heck of a lot of liquid as well

So in entering a state of ketosis, your body is excreting water and salt through the depletion of glycogen.

High salt-levels trigger the thirst mechanism, but if salt-levels are going down (as is water), it naturally follows that the thirst-mechanism is not sufficiently triggered to cover this water-loss.

Conversely, when you cut carbs your insulin-levels decrease, which then tells your kidneys to release salt.

Watch Protein Consumption

Ketogenic Diet

Too much protein is bad for ketosis because our bodies have an energy process called gluconeogenesis

The body’s preferred source of fuel is glucose, which it gets first from carbohydrates on a standard diet.

However, if enough carbs aren’t present, which is the case when you’re eating low-carb or ketogenic, the body will have to turn to other sources for energy.

The purpose of the keto diet is to have the body break down fatty acids, which then produces ketones for energy – the process known as ketosis.

However, there’s another way the body can create carbohydrate-style energy in the body – by breaking down amino acids from the protein in your muscles.

Gluconeogenesis is how your body turns protein into glycogen that can be used as glucose to burn for fuel.

Even if you’re eating plenty of fat, if you also eat too much protein, your body can facilitate GNG instead of burning fat for energy.

EDITORS NOTE:  High-fat foods have been demonized by the mainstream media.  Did you know that there are actually 4 specific fatty foods that are proven to ACCELERATE weight loss and fat-burning?

It’s true, and even better, I show you all four at the link below…

=> 4 high-fat foods that ACCELERATE fat-burning

This means that you could spend your whole time thinking you’re eating keto while not actually being in ketosis.

There you have it.

3 simple tips to making sure that you get the most out of ketosis that you can wrap your head around the science and not just jump on the bandwagon with everyone else telling you to eat a bunch of meat and cheese and get on with your day.

There is some science, tips and tricks behind it all and if you harness those you can truly capture all the benefits there are to get into ketosis.

You don’t have to oxidize your body with a bunch of crap food, you can do it right.


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