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Don’t have access or time for the gym but still want to get a Big biceps pump?  Here’s how to get BIG biceps at home using light dumbbells with this simple and short “get bigger arms at home” exercise.

We all know that building big biceps is a sought out muscle group that every guy wants to grow BIGGER.

The workout below is a finisher that you can do after your normal arm training day.

Move #1  Alternating Zottman Curls (90 degree Isometric contraction on the opposite arm while curling on the other arm)

Big Biceps

Sets  3

Reps  20

Rest  60 seconds

NOTE:  The animated zottman curl image above doesn’t show the the alternating curl while holding the opposite arm using a 90 degree static hold.  Please see the instructions below for the proper way to execute this exercise.

How to perform:  Perform 5 reps with your right arm while holding your left arm at a 90 degree angle static hold.  Once you complete the 5 reps with your right arm, hold it at 90 degree static hold while you curl 5 reps with your left arm. Repeat this pattern 4 times so that you’ll have a total of 20 reps per arm. 

chest workout

Move #2  Alternating Hammer Curls (90 degree Isometric contraction on the opposite arm while curling on the other arm)

Big Biceps

Sets  3

Reps  20

Rest  60 seconds

NOTE:  The animated hammer curl image above doesn’t show the the alternating curl while holding the opposite arm using a 90 degree static hold.  Please see the instructions below for the proper way to execute this exercise.

How to perform:  Perform 5 reps with your right arm while holding your left arm at a 90 degree angle static hold.  Once you complete the 5 reps with your right arm, hold it at 90 degree static hold while you curl 5 reps with your left arm. Repeat this pattern 4 times so that you’ll have a total of 20 reps per arm. 


This bicep finisher is a great way to finish off your normal arm routine.  If your biceps are lagging one way to make them bigger is to train them intelligently 3 times per week.

So that means training your arms would be on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and then training the rest of your body on Friday and Saturday.

What I like doing is splitting up my arms workouts by applying the 3 mechanisms to muscle growth

This means training for 3 qualities throughout the week:

1. Arms Strength & Mass (using the 4-8 rep range for Mechanical Tension)
2. Arms Hypertrophy (using the 8-12 rep range for Metabolic Stress)
3. Arms Hypertrophy-Endurance (using the 12-15 rep range for Muscle Damage)

This allows me to train every muscle fiber in the arms, get stronger, and ultimately build bigger biceps.

And believe me, this strategy works fantastic for any weak or lagging body part.

What’s Next?

If you really liked this bicep finisher and want to grow an inch or more to your arms and shoulders in 30 days using all 3 mechanism to muscle growth, enroll in my “Add Inches To Your Arms and Shoulders In 30 Days” course on Udemy.

dribble800x600Add Inches To Your Arms and Shoulders In 30 Days. "Blow Up ANY Lagging Body Part & Literally FORCE It Into Rapid Growth Using Light Weights." >>CLICK HERE

Who is Tim Ernst

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