ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Why EATING “At A Very Specific Time Of Day” & Including Specific Fatty Foods You’ve Been Told to Avoid, Unlocks The “Hidden” Secret To Your FASTEST Weight Loss EVER.

By:  Tim Ernst – Founder of Body Blitz Max, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

With all the weight loss products and programs circling around the web today it can be quite confusing as to which one is more effective.

Today I want to share my personal experience with weight loss and the science of the fastest growing diet of 2018.

Personally what I’ve researched and know about weight loss is that Keto is much better than carb cycling. Here’s why.

First of all we have to understand that every time you eat, you spike insulin.

Carbohydrates spike insulin much higher than protein and fats.

To understand this we have to understand what insulin does.

The #1 Hormone That Prevents You From Burning Fat Is Insulin.

Insulin is the body’s main hormone switch; it determines which fuel you will use: fat or sugar.

If insulin is high, no fat will be burned—only sugar. If insulin is low, fat will be used exclusively as fuel.

What exactly is insulin? Insulin is a hormone (a body message) that is made by the pancreas, which is located under your left rib cage. Look at insulin as a key that allows sugar (glucose) into your cells.

Insulin does six main things (and a lot of minor things too):

  • It acts as a key to open the door, allowing cells to get sugar fuel.
  • It allows protein (amino acids) into the cell.
  • It lowers excess sugar in the blood after eating.
  • It converts excess sugar to fat (especially around the belly) and cholesterol.
  • It stores sugars in the liver and muscles. Stored glucose is called glycogen.
  • It allows minerals, especially potassium, into the cell.

Insulin is the main fat-making hormone, and in its presence, no fat can be burned. In studies, you will hear this explained as “insulin inhibits (prevents) lipolysis (fat burning) in adipocytes” (fat cells). It prevents fat from being released from your cells so you can burn it off for fuel—meaning no fat loss.

Insulin stores fat mainly in your midsection. In fact, your belly size is the best measurement of how much insulin you have in your bloodstream.

The faster the body breaks down food into sugar, the higher the insulin response. There is even a scale, called the glycemic index, that measures this spike of sugar in the blood.

The main trigger of insulin is carbohydrates. You eat carbs, and they turn into sugar—raising glucose in the blood. That triggers insulin to whisk in and do its job of lowering blood sugar, as seen in the next diagram.

Eating carbohydrates is the main trigger for insulin! And if you want to lose weight, it’s important to remember that insulin is the main fat-making hormone because it converts carbs into fat—especially true for belly fat and visceral fat (the most DANGEROUS kind).

The worst advice to give a person with high insulin is to eat too many carbs.

To Lower Insulin You Must Know Exactly What Foods To Eat And At What Time Of Day

Scientific research shows that when you eat SPECIFIC fatty foods at the right TIMES of day you’ll begin to suppress insulin so you can BURN fat FASTER!

When you provide your body with the right kind of foods, and even more importantly, when you eat them consistently at the right times every day—your body switches fuel sources so stored body fat can be used as a direct source of energy.

This was a huge wake up call for me because I was taught that you need carbs in order for brain function, burn fat and building lean muscle tissue.


In 1971, the American Diabetic Association (ADA) recommended that your carbohydrates should be 45 percent of your calories; in 1986, they recommended that carbohydrates be 60 percent.

In 1994, they allowed table sugar, and sugar added to foods, to be part of your total carbohydrates.

Eating carbohydrates is the main trigger for insulin! And if you want to lose weight, it’s important to remember that insulin is the main fat-making hormone because it converts carbs into fat—especially true for belly fat and visceral fat (fat around the organs).

Here’s One Of The BIGGEST Lies That The Food & Medical Industry Uses To KEEP You Fat & Sick.

EDITORS NOTE: Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your calories in order to burn fat, Get Your Free Fat Burning Calorie Calculator For Quick Weight Loss & Burn More Fat Than You Thought Possible In 30 Days=> Fat Burning Calculator

Lie #1 – Eating Fat Makes You Fat & Increases Your Risk Of Heart Disease.

We as a society have all been fully indoctrinated that fat is bad and that it will make us overweight and clog our arteries.

All the bad hype you have been hearing about high-fat diets is not exactly true.

If you personally read the studies involving high-fat diets, you’ll discover that 99% of it is a combination of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets.

When you combine high carbohydrates with fat or even protein, insulin will spike dramatically.

So that deep-fried donut or deep-fried fatty fries are really fried carbohydrates.

If you consume dietary fats with LOW CARBS, you will not spike insulin. High-fats is safe as long as it goes with low carbs.

The “low-fat craze” that has long dominated the world of nutrition has led us all to believe that we should shun fats altogether, and instead eat more processed carbohydrates.

Where Did The “Low Fat” Craze Come From?

Back in the 50s and 60s there was kind of two viewpoints, one was that sugar causes coronary heart disease or increase risk of coronary heart disease.

In other words fat and cholesterol causes heart coronary heart disease.

Recently there was some leaked documents between a dialog between the sugar Research Foundation and scientists.

There’s 300 papers that were found that dated between 1959 and 1971.

From the Sugar Research Foundation they paid for and hired a guy by the name of Frederick Star which was a nutritionist at the Harvard University School of Public Health.

Back then he was like the expert in the relationship between diet and heart disease.

He got paid a million dollars from General Mills, Kellogg’s and tobacco and then in the years following there was a total of 29 million dollars for his research team.

So basically he was paid off for two reasons:

One is to downplay or suppress the research that the sugar Research Foundation actually did and found a huge link between consuming sucrose and causing an increased risk of heart disease.

Basically he was paid to omit and suppress that piece of data and emphasize the fat and cholesterol theory and promoted it.

So the overall strategy was to protect the market share by using science.

Now in 1971 they did the same thing with dental cavities

They pretty much politically just suppress this connection between sugar and dental cavities and focused on an intervention of filling cavities in doing dental work.

So if you were curious, now the mystery is solved.  It’s really stemming from the sugar research foundation.

Countless studies now prove saturated fats from the right food sources have NOTHING to do with heart disease and sickness.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite of what you’ve been misled to believe…

Fat’s like butter, for example, are rich in essential fats and rarely consumed vitamins like K2, which can reduce the risk of heart disease by a whopping 69%

You just have to understand how to eat the right kind of butter… at the right times… along with what foods to eat it with to ensure you experience each and every one of these same amazing health benefits.

So to answer your question keep carbs to around 30–50 grams and increase your fats to 75% and protein to 20% for a keto diet.


I’ve personally lost 36.5 pounds so far this year (were in April 2018) combined with intermittent fasting.

The ketogenic diet is the hottest diet of 2018 because it helps you quickly lose stubborn fat… it reduces fat storing inflammation… it helps you live longer and avoid today’s most deadly diseases.

But there are several problems that accompany a “traditional” high fat keto diet:

  • You like to eat carbs?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Want to eat some healthy, ripe fruits that are in season?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Too much protein in that delicious steak or baconyou just ate?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Want to have a glass (or two) or red wine, a few beers, or cocktails? You guessed right….You are out of ketosis.

Bottom line:

Permanent ketosis is not healthy, fun, OR realistic for anybody to follow long term, which is exactly why there’s a new, upgraded version that produces rapid results in only 14 days

It’s called, The “Targeted” Keto Diet and people have used it to drop pounds of unwanted belly flab, WITHOUT avoiding carbs, desserts, or alcohol

It all started by eating the 4 SUPER FATS at the right time over a very short 14 day period (a few of them are probably in your kitchen right now)…

intermittent fasting

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