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Here are 5 Ways Normal Exercise (And Typical Gym Workouts) Can Make You Feel Older, Sicker, Fatter And Less Manly…In Your 40’s and Beyond.

More isn’t always better when it comes to exercise especially if you are in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond.

By:  Tim Ernst – Founder of Body Blitz Max, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

You have trainers recommending obscene amounts of aerobic activity and strength training programs that an 18 year old shouldn’t be doing.

And doctors are no different. Dishing out fitness advice like it’s candy not realizing the damage their secretly doing to their patients lives and manliness.

Here are 5 ways that some of your workouts may be making you feel older, sicker, fatter and less manly.

1. Kills Your Metabolism


Aerobic exercise slows down your metabolic rate while teaching your body to store more belly fat. Like a car driving on the highway that uses little gas.

With normal exercise, you’ll burn less calories during your workouts and throughout the day. This can lead to metabolic weight gain and sluggish energy levels.

The Solution?

This revolutionary TriCon Training protocol for men can skyrocket your metabolic rate immediately after the first workout. The trick is to be “inefficient.”

The more inefficient your workouts, the more calories and stubborn fat you’ll burn.

You’ll even torch fat up to 48-72 hours later while you’re sitting on the couch watching TV. It’s that powerful.


2. Destroys Testosterone Levels


The U.S. National Library of Medicine recently published a shocking article confirming testosterone levels are lower in endurance running males than in guys who don’t even workout.

The Study also said endurance training can damage the male reproductive system.

Shocking news considering this is the #1 prescribed form of exercise for men over the age of 40.

Yet sadly, it’s doing more harm than good and most don’t even realize it. No wonder more men than ever are complaining of erectile dysfunction. Without testosterone, nothing works inside your body.

The Solution?

This revolutionary TriCon Training protocol can give your body the youthful burst of testosterone you need so you’ll feel the effects throughout your day.

3. Inflames Your Bones & Joints


If you’re trying to burn fat, normal workouts like excessive cardio can wear out your bones, joints, muscles and tendons. The human body was never meant to swim, pedal or run for long distances.

There’s a reason marathon athletes look sickly and hunched over. They’re bodies are slowly decaying one mile at a time.


TriCon Training Sets put minimal strain on your joints or bones.

It was developed for men in their 40’s and older suffering from the aches and pains of getting older, but still want to be active.

The beauty is in the triple contraction method that skyrockets your metabolic rate with minimal stress on your bones or joints.

4. Increase Your Chances Of A Heart Attack


Too much endurance exercise accelerates free radical production and a sharp increase in total body inflammation.

TIME magazine even wrote a piece on this subject, calling it the silent killer because of it’s affects on your heart and cardiovascular system.

Marathon runners are coming in at record numbers with blockages; needing immediate open heart surgery. If aerobic exercise was so healthy for you, why is this happening?


The TriCon Training protocol triggers the release of natural hormones.

Helping to protect your heart from metabolic damage without going overboard. That’s the secret. Stimulate, don’t annihilate. There’s only so much your body can recover from…

5. Can Make You Sick & Open To Disease


A healthy immune system is vital to living a long and energetic life. However, too much exercise can do the opposite.

Slowly degrading your vital organs, blood vessels and cardio vascular system. Causing you to get sick more and not feel your best.


This revolutionary TriCon Training protocol causes a surge of hormones in your bloodstream like testosterone and growth hormone.

These hormones can help shield your body from the perils of aging. People pay hundreds to thousands of dollars per month for clinics…But you have everything you need already inside of you.

Call To Action

So What Exactly is This TriCon Training Exercise Method That Melts Fat, Regenerates Your Physique, Improves Your Energy Levels And Turns Back The Hands Of Time On Your Sex Drive?

intermittent fasting


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