ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Stock up on these muscle building foods to increase weight and muscle mass.  Here are 5 foods you have to eat in order to build a bigger and ripped body.

Muscle building and gaining weight can be very challenging for skinny guys.  Don’t get caught up into buying weight gainers and protein powders, they’ll just waste your money in the long run.

To put on weight and muscle size you need to know what foods to eat in order to build mass.

If you are not sure on what kind of foods to eat, you can get > 10 free muscle building recipes here

The truth is traditional bulking is “dead.”  You can gain anywhere between 10-12 pounds of muscle in under 30 days by using the anabolic amplifier effect.

Before we show you the list of foods for gaining weight, here’s a formula for gaining you first 10 pounds in 30 days.

Calories, Calories, Calories!

This is probably the BIGGEST mistake skinny guys make when trying to build muscle mass.

To figure out how many calories you need in order to put on muscle mass you need a formula that works specifically for you.

Below is the formula to packing on muscle mass, but if you want a free calculator to figure out for you; click the image below.

The formula:

Figure out your maintenance calories by taking your body weight and multiply by 12

Example:  150 x 12 =1800

Take your 1800 calories and add 500 more to it which =2,300

This is the amount of calories you need everyday to put on muscle mass.

  • Protein will be 1 gram x your body weight
  • Carbohydrates will be 2 grams x body weight on upper body workout days and 0.5 grams on non training days
  • Carbohydrates will be 3 grams x body weight on lower body workout days and 0.5 grams on non training days
  • Fats make up the remainder of the calories on training and on non-training days

A good rate of gaining weight is between 0.5- 2lbs per week.  If you have not put on weight using this formula, simple add another 250-500 calories more.

EDITORS NOTE: If you're looking to get bigger or put on more size, here's how to gain muscle and put on 10 pounds in 30 days with this free muscle gain calculator...=> Click Here For Your Free Muscle Building Calculator

Food is the most important thing you need to be doing in order to gain weight and build muscle.  If you are not getting the right amount of calories you’ll stay small and frustrated forever.

If you don’t know how many calories you need to put on weight, click the image below to get a free muscle building calculator.

Below you will find 5 critical foods you need to be eating everyday to build rock hard muscle and gain weight.

Muscle Building Food #1  Rice (White and Brown)

5 Muscle Building Foods to Pack On Mass Fast

White and brown rice are a staple food to any bodybuilder diet.  These are great for muscle building and pack on mass fast.

Which one is better, white or brown?

White rice is great for after your workout because it is considered a fast acting carbohydrate.

muscle building


Whether you’re skinny and looking to get bigger or just looking for more size, here’s how to gain weight and build up to 10 pounds of muscle in 30 days…

=> Gain 10 Pounds in 30 Days

Fast acting carbs or simple carbs (sugars, pastas, white breads, white potatoes)  spike insulin in the body fast.

You want to spike insulin high an hour after a workout in order to replace the lost glycogen within the muscle when working out.

Brown rice is good to eat a couple hours before your workout so you’ll have energy.


Muscle Building Food #2  Potatoes (White and Sweet)

Muscle Building

Sweet potatoes and white potatoes are another good source to muscle building and weight gain.

They are full of vitamins and minerals the body needs in order to gain weight.

The other BIG benefit to eating potatoes is that they are very inexpensive and easy to prepare.

Muscle Building Food #3  Mixed Nuts or Nut Butters)

Muscle Building

If you are still having trouble with your muscle building and weight gain goals, nuts will help a lot.

Mixed nuts are considered a healthy fat and for every gram equals 9 calories.  So if you are behind on calories for the day, nuts can make up for it.

The other benefit to nuts is that you can take them anywhere you go without having to cook them or keep them cold.

Nuts also will increase testosterone (male hormone for building lean muscle)

Muscle Building Food #4  Pasta

Muscle Building

Pasta is a great weight gainer and you can prepare it in a variety of ways.

There are several kinds of pasta you can choose form such as white, wheat, and even protein pasta.

Pasta is great to eat the day before any major sporting activity or workout.

You can also eat pasta an hour after your workout to quickly replace muscle glycogen.


Muscle Building Food #5  Beef

5 Muscle Building Foods to Pack On Mass Fast

Beef or red meat is one of the best ways a skinny guy can put on weight.

Meat takes a few days to fully digest in the stomach so you’ll have a steady steam of protein feeding your muscles.

If you are not into eating meat, don’t worry as there are plenty of other options to choose from to get your protein in for the day.

Here is a list below of other protein sources that will help you gain weight and build muscle:

10 Ways To Get Protein WITHOUT Eating Meat. “Eating meat isn’t the only way to add protein to your diet. Try these 10 protein rich foods to build rapid muscle and incinerate fat.” CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Green Peas
  • Tofu
  • Mixed Nuts
  • Chick Peas
  • Kidney Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Quinoa

For a full review of the benefits for theses other protein sources, read this article here >>

What’s Next?

As you probably know or at some point you’ve been told that the best way to build muscle is by training each muscle group a different day of the week…

  • Chest on Monday…
  • Legs on Tuesday…
  • Back on Wednesday…
  • And so on. Or…

Maybe you’ve tried the double-up split where you train upper body one day, then lower body the next.

However, there’s something you need to know….

These workouts are silently chipping away at your testosterone levels and causing you to leave massive muscle building results on the table…

Yes you read that right…

But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be this way. Because…

Believe it or not, there’s one type of muscle building routine that’s BEST for your male hormones and packing on some serious size at the exact same time.

And to prove it, here is…

=> The Mother Of All Muscle Building Routines

intermittent fasting

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