ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

So you’re skinny fat and no matter what you do you just cant get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat. You’ve tried dieting, all kinds of cardio and abdominal workouts, yet the fat on your lower belly and your love handles just won’t budge. Here are 2 counter-intuitive solutions to rid that fat once and for ALL!

So you’re skinny fat and no matter what you do you just cant get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat.

You’ve tried dieting all kinds of cardio workouts abdominal workouts and yet the fat especially around your lower belly and your love handles just won’t budge.

You might be frustrated or maybe even demotivated, but I promise you there is a solution for this problem and the solution is pretty counterintuitive.

That’s why most people completely miss it and they continue going through the cycle of dieting and doing lots of cardio with no results.

Before I just assume that everyone reading this article is on the same page, I do want to mention that diet obviously has a lot to do with this.

By:  Tim Ernst – Founder of Body Blitz Max, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

EDITORS NOTE:  High-fat foods have been demonized by the mainstream media.  Did you know that there are actually 4 specific fatty foods that are proven to ACCELERATE weight loss and fat-burning?

It’s true, and even better, I show you all four at the link below…

=> 4 high-fat foods that ACCELERATE fat-burning

So if you haven’t even tried changing your diet and you’re still eating Pop-Tarts and frozen microwavable dinners, then I highly advocate that you first clean up your diet before you move on to this method.

Because for some of you, simply changing up your diet and switching junk food out for some real natural single ingredient foods can completely change your body around.

However, if you have already done that then this article is gonna help you a lot with what your next step should be.

First understand what skinny fat is.

Skinny Fat

skinny fat

Typically a skinny fat person will have a good BMI which stands for body mass index and in short it’s a measure of your height to weight ratio.

If you have a good BMI it just means that for your height you have a good weight.

However, the other thing that a typical skinny fat person will have is an elevated body fat percentage.

So if your skinny fat it tells us two things…

It doesn’t only tell us that your body fat percentage is high, but it also tells us that your lean body mass is low.

If both your lean body mass and your body fat percentage were high then your BMI would not show up as normal, you’d be considered overweight.

So as somebody that falls into this category, you can’t just continue focusing on burning fat because that’s only going to solve half the problem and it’ll do nothing to address the issue with your lean body mass.

That’s why your number one goal when you fall into this skinny fat category has to be to build strength.

Tip #1 – Build Strength

skinny fat

Now I know that might sound surprising, “how’s building strength going to help you lose that last bit of fat?” Right?

Well I’m telling you it will because by building strength you’re going to be solving the bigger issue.

As a natural, building strength is one of the only and best ways that you can stimulate protein synthesis and build more muscle while increasing your metabolic rate.

Now I would not suggest you do a full out bulk cycle because you can wind up gaining a whole bunch of body fat and find yourself even more frustrated.

I’m going to give you very specific instructions down to the very percentages of what I want you to do if you find yourself in this skinny fat predicament because I’ve been there before and I know it can be frustrating.

So you have two options:

One of them involves a lot more discomfort, but if you can make it through the discomfort then I think you’ll be able to fix this faster and more efficiently.

The only question you have to ask yourself is are you willing to get even a little fatter before you get ripped?

Now I know most of the people treading this article would say, “NO I do not want to get any fatter.”

If you’re dead set on working the fat off, I don’t want you to create a more drastic calorie deficit.

I want your deficit to be right around 5 to 10 percent from your maintenance calories.

Again, the reason why you’re having this problem is because of your lean body mass and you will not fix it by cutting more calories.

If you don’t know how to find your maintenance calories you can try my free calorie calculator below:

EDITORS NOTE: Knowing what and how much to eat for weight loss is critical towards your success.

If you’re not sure how to calculate your calories in order to burn fat, Get Your Free Fat Burning Calorie Calculator For Quick Weight Loss & Burn More Fat Than You Thought Possible In 30 Days=> Fat Burning Calculator

Once you have those maintenance numbers (by only reducing a small amount of calories like 10% percent), you’re going to continue burning a small amount of fat and you’re definitely not going to gain any more fat while simultaneously giving yourself enough energy and nutrients to continue building strength which will lead you to building muscle.

I want you to keep your workouts consistent for 4 to 6 weeks at a time without changing anything.

So if you’re chest workout is three sets of dumbbell presses, three sets of bench presses, three sets of flies, and three sets of push-ups (as an example), I want you to keep that same workout for six weeks straight weeks.

So let’s say you up your weight for the dumbbell press and you go from doing eight reps of a lighter weight to only six reps of a heavier weight, that’s fine.

Your next step is to work up to seven reps, then eight reps with that heavier weight and then up your weight again.

That’s considered progressive overload which is an absolutely necessary factor for you to fix this problem.

You need to progressively overload your muscles.

Now let’s say for one week you’re trying to move up in dumbbell presses and the bench press but can’t.

However, for the Flies you can do five extra pounds. This is perfect as long as you’re moving up in one or two exercises every week even if it’s by 2.5 pounds, (these are considered micro progressions) you’re moving in the right direction.

At the end of the six weeks you can cycle in some different workouts and exercises, but then once again lock these new exercises in for 6 weeks straight, don’t change them so you can progressively overload those new exercises.

As you’re doing this correctly, if the weight on the scale isn’t going down but you look better in the mirror, then you’re doing it right!

Remember, we’re after increasing lean body mass and decreasing body fat. We’re not just going to be after losing weight.

The second approach if you really don’t care about temporarily gaining some fat is to create a small calorie surplus at about 15% above maintenance.

Small Calorie Surplus

skinny fat

Now it’s very important that you’re keeping all your calories clean while doing the surplus in order to minimize fat gain.

By doing the surplus approach, you’re entirely focused on increasing your lean body mass which is why I like it more if you can tolerate gaining a tiny bit of fat.

Doing this is going to help you build strength a lot faster.

It’s also gonna translate into faster muscle gains from more nutrients and more energy available during your workouts, all the while it’s not too high of a surplus to where you’re going to just be gaining massive amounts of fat.

Here’s the kicker with both of these approaches.

Regardless of which one you choose, you have to be patient.  Muscle isn’t built quite as fast as fat comes off.

I want you to pick one of these approaches and I want you to really stick out with that approach for a year with an amplified focus on building strength.

Make sure to be consistent with all your exercises one by one, week by week, rep by rep.

If you actually listen and take this advice, I’m telling you this is all you need to turn the whole skinny fat thing around.

I’m willing to bet at the end of the year (even if you went the surplus route), any extra fat that you’ve accumulated can be cut down within four to six weeks.

Under that layer of fat you’ll find a far more aesthetic body than what you started with.

You’ll go from skinny fat to ripped.

Once again this does require patience and also remember this advice is only for the people that have already tried burning the fat by changing their diet.

If you haven’t tried changing your diet to simply cut some fat, you may want to try that first.

That’s all I have for today guys and I hope this helps you out.

If you’re looking for a super simple approach of what to do that does not require a whole lot of thinking I would suggest the ketogenic diet.


The ketogenic diet is the hottest diet of 2018 because it helps you quickly lose stubborn fat… it reduces fat storing inflammation… it helps you live longer and avoid today’s most deadly diseases.

But there are several problems that accompany a “traditional” high fat keto diet:

  • You like to eat carbs?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Want to eat some healthy, ripe fruits that are in season?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Too much protein in that delicious steak or baconyou just ate?….You are out of ketosis.
  • Want to have a glass (or two) or red wine, a few beers, or cocktails?  You guessed right….You are out of ketosis

Bottom line:

Permanent ketosis is not healthy, fun, OR realistic for anybody to follow long term, which is exactly why there’s a new, upgraded version that produces rapid results in only 14 days

It’s called, The “Targeted” Keto Diet and people have used it to drop pounds of unwanted belly flab, WITHOUT avoiding carbs, desserts, or alcohol

It all started by eating the 4 SUPER FATS below at the right time over a very short 14 day period (a few of them are probably in your kitchen right now)…

ketogenic diet

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