ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

There is only one way to build muscle WITHOUT exercise. The results from this study are pretty SHOCKING to say the least.  Here’s what I found…

By:  Tim Ernst – Founder of Body Blitz Max, 180 Muscle and Barbell/Dumbbell Ripped Muscle Complexes

A 10 week study was conducted on 43 healthy men between the ages of 19 and 40 who were separated into 4 groups to see which one could build muscle with or without drugs while training and not training.

  1. Group 1 did NOT do any form of exercise, and did NOT receive any form of steroids or drugs. (Natural guys doing no weight training.)
  2. Group 2 did NOT do any form of exercise, but they received weekly injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate. (Drug users doing no weight training.)
  3. Group 3 DID exercise, but they did NOT receive any form of steroids or drugs. (Natural guys doing weight training.)
  4. Group 4 DID exercise, and they also received weekly injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate. (Drug users doing weight training.)

EDITORS NOTE: If you're looking to get bigger or put on more size, here's how to gain muscle and put on 10 pounds in 30 days with this free muscle gain calculator...=> Click Here For Your Free Muscle Building Calculator

Guess what the results were?

  1. Group 1 (no exercise, natural) experienced no significant changes.
  2. Group 2 (no exercise, drug use) was able to build about 7 pounds of muscle. YES 7 pounds!
  3. Group 3 (exercise, natural) was able to build about 4 pounds of muscle.
  4. Group 4 exercise, drug use) was able to build about 13 pounds of muscle.

What is so shocking about this study is that the men who DID NOT workout at all and received 600 mg of testosterone made more muscle gains than the natural guys who did workout.

So what does that say about steroids? Pretty powerful stuff!

Again, I do not advocate steroid use but just laying out the facts.

However, if you want to boost your testosterone naturally here are a few tips:

  • Consume more Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps to free up testosterone that’s bound to proteins in your body. Once freed, your levels naturally rise.
  • Take two cold showers a day Taking a cold shower at night will help you sleep while naturally enhancing your “T” levels. Sleep is vitally important to re-balancing all your hormones.
  • Eat More Fats – Eating more healthy fats such as coconut oil, beef, red meat, mixed nuts and avocados are great for boosting natural testosterone levels.
  • Weight Training – Lifting heavy such as compound movements first in your workouts help with grwoth hormone and testosterone production. Another thing most people do not think about is creating lactic acid within the muscles while training. This is done by doing hypertrophy based workouts that are high reps with light to moderate weight. Scientific Research Reveals 4 Specialized Training Techniques That Significantly INCREASES Your Natural Testosterone and Growth Hormone for building muscle.


While it is true that these simple tips can help boost your “T” levels back to the level of a 25 year old…

They are both completely USELESS if you’re making any of these 5 MAJOR mistakes that are killing your testosterone levels.

Do any of these sound familiar?

* Excess belly & chest fat,
* Lack of confidence,
* LOW Libido
* Joint & muscle pain,
* Erectile problems or other sexual dysfunction,
* Anxiety,
* Depression,
* Fatigue and energy problems,
* or just not feeling like a man anymore…

If so, then you probably think you need to go on a Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), or begin taking every supplement on the market to begin boosting T-levels, and you know what?

You’d be WRONG!

In fact, both of those “solutions” can cause more HARM than good, and have been proven to decrease your body’s ability to make its own Testosterone, which will obviously end up doing more damage than benefit.

So, what’s the answer?

Do yourself a favor and take this quick quiz to discover which fruit can NATURALLY help you boost your T-levels, but also “fix” the real root cause of your problems (no… it’s not just boosting your T-levels).

Is it:

a) Pears

b) Lemons

c) Passion fruit

d) Avocado

When you click your answer, you’ll discover the real root cause or your manhood problems, and be well on your way to reclaiming your masculinity.

Not only that, but you’ll also:

* Boost your sexual performance
* MELT stubborn belly & chest fat
* Improve your memory and brain function
* Boost your confidence
* Erase joint & muscle pain
* Feel like a “stallion” in the bedroom and increase your sagging libido

Just click your answer above to discover the REAL root cause or your sagging masculinity and reclaim your manhood.


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