Do You Want A Flexible Diet and Workout Plan To Build "LEAN" and "RIPPED" Muscle In Just 180 Minutes a Week?

Start Today For $5

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YES! -I'll Start My $5 Trial!I Want To Try 180 Muscle For $5.00!

39 Year Old Ex-Bakery Manager, Married, Father of Two Scores a KILLER Body Using Three Unusual Muscle Building Methods That Will Build LEAN and RIPPED Muscle In Only 180 Minutes a WEEK!

Let Me Ask You A Question...

  • Have you been BUSTING your ass in the gym and have LITTLE to NOTHING to show for it?
  • Have you been in the gym for years and years but still struggle to put on any amount of size-able muscle gains while losing that stubborn 10-20-30 pounds of belly fat?
  • Do you want a flexible diet and workout plan without starving yourself with the so called, "Chicken and Broccoli" diet or living in the gym?
  • Do you want more "Confidence" around your friends, dating relationships or your job?
  • Do you lose motivation easily?
  • You can't afford a personal trainer or nutritionist?

And Finally...

Do You Ever Get The Feeling Of Just Giving UP?

NOW Let me ask you this:

Got 10-20-30 pounds of stubborn belly fat that you just can't lose?  This is for you!

Do you want to still eat your favorite foods while losing fat and building muscle at the same time?  This is for you!

Got flat delts that resemble pancakes? This is for you!

Sick and tired of your spaghetti noodle arms? This is for you!

Fed up with your chicken legs? This is for you!

Want a beautiful and strong v-tapered back? This is for you!

Want a full and “gladiator-looking” chest? This is for you!

Want cow calves? Eye-popping abs? This is for you!

Got a perfectly balanced body? This is not for you!

Come on…you know you want that lifestyle…the one everyone's talking about and desires…Where you can build an impressive physique that wins the respect of others, builds confidence, attracts women from afar and dudes envy.

So why hasn’t it happened for you yet?  Come on admit it.  This isn’t the first time you’ve been looking for a proven method to building a physique you can be proud of.

When is it your turn?

Well... I want to share a story with you on how I overcame the odds despite my horrific tragedy, set-backs and lack of time that ultimately gave me the fuel I needed towards my muscle building transformation.

Come on…you know you want that lifestyle…the one everyone's talking about and desires…Where you can build an impressive physique that wins the respect of others, builds confidence, attracts women from afar and dudes envy.

So why hasn’t it happened for you yet?  Come on admit it.  This isn’t the first time you’ve been looking for a proven method to building a physique you can be proud of.

When is it your turn?

Well... I want to share a story with you on how I overcame the odds despite my horrific tragedy, set-backs and lack of time that ultimately gave me the fuel I needed towards my muscle building transformation.


O.k. O.k., at this point you're probably rolling your eyes right now, but please stick with me because I believe it will open your eyes and change your life.


When you read this page all the way to the end, you're going to discover how to build lean muscle with Three scientifically proven methods in 180 minutes a week!

Hi, I'm Tim

Some years ago, I was just like you…I had many questions and no answers.

It was 4:35 a.m. on a Saturday back in April of 2001.  My friend and I were standing inside a hospital…I felt paralyzed and numb.  My heart sank deep into my chest when the doctor told me there was nothing they could do.  My brother, my partner in crime, my BEST friend lying on a hospital stretcher with no brain activity was gone…It was to late, there was nothing anyone could do.

I was devastated!

I now had to make that dreadful call that I thought I would have never had to make in a million years to my parents.

I felt like I was in a nightmare wanting to wake up but it was real.

How did I get here.

You see a few months back everything was going well.  I had a great career, I was engaged and ready to get into the best shape of my life before my wedding.

Then one early Saturday morning I get a phone call from one of my brothers friends. He told me that my brother had past out in his tent at the livestock concert they were attending.

He was trying to carry him through the crowd screaming for help to try and find some medical attention.  As my brothers friends reached the paramedics they took my brother away in the ambulance.

I quickly jumped out of bed and rushed out the door with my roommate.  I really didn’t think it was anything serious, I thought maybe he had to much to drink and past out.  I remember even stopping at local gas station on the way to get something to drink.  I just didn’t think it was that serious.

When we arrived at the hospital the doctor came out and said something to me that I will never forget.

The unthinkable happened.  He was already gone.  He was brain dead.  I lost my brother.

Four months after his death, my fiancé of 5 years walked out on me.

I was crushed, confused, depressed and left alone.  My life would never be the same again.  I knew I needed a change, to reinvent myself, to start over. maybe wondering to yourself what does this tragic and personal story have to do with building strength and size in half the time, right?



These tragic events would lead me to a co-worker at my job introducing me to the gym.

After the tragic death of my brother and the break-up with my fiance, I rediscovered my faith in God while at the same time a co-worker at my job introduced me to the gym.

I fell in love with the gym and was making steady GAINS for 2 years.  Some time had past and I got real busy in life...then it happened.

Guess what the first thing was to go?

You guessed it, the gym.

My problem was I had no time, couldn't stick to my diet, and my current training program lead me to a plateau.  The gains STOPPED!  I quit the gym for 3 years and started getting out of shape and fat!

I was skinny all throughout high school, but as I got older and started eating the wrong foods along with a busy lifestyle, I quit and gave it all up.

I had achieved some results in building a better body, but due to time restraints, job, friends and family, my gains slowly started to slip away from my fingers.

After 3 years, I started getting the itch to go back to the gym.  I felt horrible about the fact that I had let myself go and got so out of shape after all the hard work I had put in 3 years prior.

I decided that I was going to start working out again, but I wanted to do even better than what I achieved a few years ago.  I lost touch with my co-worker who I used to workout with so I deiced to go out on my own and get back on track to building the STRONGEST and BIGGEST body ever.

On one particular day I had a BIG “Ah-ah” moment.

I saw all the muscle building magazines at my local grocery store and picked one of them up to read.  I started reading and buying them every month trying to find some shortcut to building muscle fast.  I also started buying all the supplements advertised in those magazines that I could get my hands on.

So I started buying and reading muscle building magazines.  I tried this supplement and that fad diet, but nothing worked.

Then I tried this 1 method in a muscle building magazine and I got o.k. results, but nothing to brag about.

I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on magazines, supplements and fad diets but, nothing really seemed to work.  I still could not get past where I used to be a few years ago until one day I stumbled upon 3 unusual methods.

After months and months of researching I stumbled upon three tried and true methods that helped me put on quality muscle mass while burning stubborn belly fat at the same time!

Method # 1  Antagonist/Agonist Training (Case Study)

I became interested in some of  these old and forgotten training methods to see if they would still work and apply today.  So I started researching on ways to build back up my strength and muscle size more efficiently and effectively.

I found that there were some old school bodybuilding methods that bodybuilders used like Arnold Schwarzenegger, that produced muscle gains without spending a lot of  time in the gym.

A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that performing paired sets—commonly called super-sets—actually produces greater strength gains than traditional sets.  It also was a major time saver that produced the most amount muscle building results in the shortest amount of time.

In the study, the paired set involved two exercises that alternately activated an agonist muscle (the primary one involved in an exercise) and the antagonist muscle (the one that works opposite the agonist when returning to the start position).

Study researchers had subjects perform a Barbell Row variation and the Bench Press in super-set fashion, with a two-minute rest between them.  They found that super-setting opposing muscle groups promotes faster recovery, allowing an athlete to perform subsequent sets with more reps or heavier weight for an elevated challenge.

Also,  when you super-set two exercises that engage opposing muscles, you are also activating other muscle groups in your body more than with traditional sets that work the same muscle groups.

Schoenfeld (2011) notes that the metabolic stress induced by this technique may be responsible for the hypertrophic gains it can produce.

The research I found was that Paired sets built muscle faster, burned fat and saved time spent in the gym.  This was exactly the kind of training method I was looking for.

Method # 2  Cyclical Nutrient Timing (4 Scientifically Proven Case Studies)

The first study compared the effects of eating 70% of daily calories in the morning vs. the evening on body composition. 10 subjects were placed on a six-week weight loss (calorie restricted) diet, and the group that ate the majority of their daily calories in the evening lost more fat and less muscle than the morning group.

In fact The morning carb feeding group lost 30% of muscle, compared to 7% in the evening group.

The second study was published in 2011, and consisted of a 6-month program wherein Israeli police officers ate about 1,500 calories per day, with one group eating carbs throughout the day and another eating the majority of carbs at dinner.

Researchers found More fat loss with the evening group, and improvement in different health markers, such as blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity, plus they enjoyed greater levels of satiety.

A third study in a 2013 suggested” that a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates eaten at dinner can modulate positively daytime hormonal profiles. Taken together with earlier results, we believe this diet regime may prevent mid-day hunger, better support weight loss and improve metabolic outcomes compared to conventional weight loss diets.”

And a 2014 study showed that “Eating carbohydrates mostly at dinner and protein mostly at lunch within a hypocaloric balanced diet had a higher effect on dietary induced thermogenesis compared with control diet. Moreover, eating carbohydrates mostly at lunch and protein mostly at dinner had a damaging impact on glucose homeostasis.”

Here's Where The Real MAGIC Happens While Losing Fat, Plus Build Muscle Faster Than You Thought Possible.


Method # 3  DRTS (Dynamic Rep Triple Sets) Finishers

What are DRTS Finishers?

DRTS Finishers Is A Metabolic Intensifier Performed At The End Of Each Workout By Working Opposing and Secondary Muscle Groups for Maximal Body Re-composition.

  • Dynamic

    At the end of each workout you’ll perform a very dynamic finisher on your secondary muscle groups in opposing fashion.

    For example:  At the very end of your chest and back day you’ll perform a DRTS finisher with biceps and trieps.   Two days from then you’ll do the complete opposite (a 180). This means at the end of your normal bicep/tricep day you’ll do a chest and back DRTS finisher.

    This is how you’ll be able to hit each muscle group twice a week for maximal muscle growth and you’ll do it all in just 4-45 minute training days which equals only 3 hours or 180 minutes a week.  That’s it, your complete training for the week will only be 180 minutes!

  • Reps

    You’ll perform exactly 180 reps on your opposing muscle groups.  Don’t worry these reps are not performed all at once.  One muscle group will be performed at 90 reps and the second one is 90 reps equaling, 180 reps.

  • Triple or Tri-Sets

    TRIPLE or Tri sets are performed at different angles so that every part of the muscle is worked leaving no stone un-turned.

  • Sets

    18 “Sets” in all will be performed at the end of your workout when using DRTS finishers creating the perfect environment for muscle growth to occur.

There Is Simply NO Other Program That Uses "DRTS Finishers" PERIOD!

Implementing ALL 3 methods allowed me to eat my favorite sinful foods, build muscle faster and burned stubborn belly fat while only spending 180 minutes a week in the gym.  This was exactly the kind of training method I was looking for.

And guess what?

It finally worked!

I started implementing these methods and got awesome results.  Check out my after photo.

I dropped 22 pounds of fat and built muscle while only spending half the time I used to spend at the gym.

I even won a transformation contest and took pics inside one of the most well known gyms in my home town, Power House Gym.

I did all this while being a busy husband and dad working a 9-5 job.

This Is A Colored Section Title To Break Up Your Page

Oh yeah, here is a pic of my HOT wife and I with our 2 kids.  See what muscle can do for you!

I finally realized it wasn’t my fault.  It’s because of the traditional fitness industry claiming that I could build muscle and lose fat fast through the BOGUS ads in muscle building magazines.

No wonder I was struggling.

For years the muscle building magazines and the supplement industry had been telling me that their products and fad diets were the answer to all of my muscle building/fat loss problems.  When I figured out it wasn’t true, I was finally able to break out of their chains and get the results I deserved.

The real problem was the muscle building magazines.  They were the ones keeping me from making muscle gains.

Once I put down the magazines, fad diets and supplements, I began making strength, size gains and burning stubborn belly fat once and for ALL!

Then...The 180 Muscle Method Was Born!

The 180 Muscle Method Is A 12 Week Transformation Program Where You’ll Experience Volcano-Grade Burns And Body-Altering Effects That Will Maximize Every Single Ounce Of Your Strength Potential And Catapult Your Physique Into The Next League In Only 180 Minutes A WEEK!

You can easily follow along on your phone, tablet or computer. The program can be downloaded in seconds so you can get started right away!


I didn’t realize when I started that not only does it save time, build strength and burn fat, but it also helped me attract the women of my dreams, won the respect of others, saved me time and money on bogus supplements, attracting new opportunities, and after reaching a mid life crisis, was able to quit my job and most importantly, I found that passion in life again.  

Then I thought about all the other guys out there who have the desire to change their bodies, but  just couldn't get the results they wanted due to a crappy program and eventually gave up .  I figured if I could create a system that would be easy and give them the results they wanted fast, it would totally change their lives around as it did mine.

What's The Significance Of The Number 180?

  • Enter The Number 180

    You might be wondering the significance of the number 180? The number 180 is the most important number in this program because it is the number that has the most scientific significance in 180 Muscle.

  • Antagonist/Agonist

    The term One Eighty literally means, “Opposite Direction.”  The entire 180 Muscle method program is a complete 12 week workout program where you train antagonist/agonist muscle groups or (opposing muscle groups).

  • 180 Miuntes A Week (4 Days)

    One Eighty is representative of the number of minutes in the program (180 minutes a week).

    Train only for 45 minutes a day, 4 days a week which equals 180 minutes total a WEEK!

  • 180 Most Optimal

    The number 180 was chosen because of the fact that it is the MOST optimal number for many of these variables when it comes to unleashing your body’s own anabolic hormones for maximum muscle growth – naturally!

    As will be explained in the program, 180 minutes a week has been proven to be the most optimal amount of time you need a week to notice any amount of muscle gains.

  • Reps

    One Eighty is the ideal amount of reps (90 reps antagonist/90 reps agonist) needed to not only build size but, to burn stubborn fat all over your body.

I developed The 180 Muscle Method for guys just like you who want to build confidence, win the respect of friends and others, attract women from afar and just build a physique you can be DAMN proud of!

I'm talking about the kind of body where you're not afraid to take your shirt off in public.  The kind that will boost confidence and get you the life you deserve.  

I'll admit, I thought I was in great shape in my before picture with having the so called, "Dad Bod" but as you can see I'm actually trying to hide and felt embarrassed.  Go back and look at how insecure I looked in that before pic.

I don't look confident at all.

Now  look at my after pic below.  I'm sure you'll agree, I have way more confidence.
This is exactly what muscle can do for you.

I like to call it, "Confidence BOOSTING Muscle."

This took me years of trial and error to create and cost me hours and hours of time researching online, but it was totally worth it.

And now that I’ve created it and got through it,

it’s super fast and easy.

What used to take me hours and hours in the gym, I can get done in only 180 minutes a week!

What Will The 180 Muscle Do For You?

With The 180 Muscle Method You Will...

  • Experience volcano-grade burns that will take your physique to places it's never been before
  • Experience a body-altering effect that feels unlike anything else. It's time to grow again by awakening every untapped and underutilized muscle fiber.
  • Learn techniques that will help to ensure every single workout is a winning workout and that out-performs the previous workout.
  • Use a very specific finishing move (DRTS) that will help to flush blood and nutrients into the muscles when added to the end of your normal body-part workout
  • Maximize every single ounce of your strength potential and catapult you physique into the next league.
  • Builds what I like to call, “Confidence Boosting Muscle” that leaves you UN-Stoppable!

But Don’t Take My Word For It, Here’s What A Few Of My Clients Had To Say.

Now We're Talking!

Workout Program Will Kick Your Ass!

"I have never ever felt bigger as I'm feeling today. After triple sets of back and chest I feel big and great and everyone is asking what I have done to get those results.

Thanks for your support!"


"Since working with Tim and following the 180 Muscle Method, not only has my strength gone through the roof, but I have also managed to gain 5 lbs of muscle thus far without any fat gain or water retention. This workout program will kick your ass if you follow it properly. Like anything else, you have to stick to the plan if you want the results you're after. The best part is the one on one coaching with Tim. Every question I've had, has been responded to in a timely manner and my nutrition is adjusted to meet my goals each week. This investment is a drop in the bucket compared to most programs anyone else in the fitness industry has to offer. Invest in yourself, the results start when you do!"


I want you to try The 180 Muscle Method

Act NOW Because You'll Receive These 3 FREE Bonuses!

Bonus # 1

180 HG Diet - Cyclical GROWTH & CUT Phases

($27.95) Value
The 180 Muscle HG Diet Is The Most Critical Component of The Program.

There Are 2 Cycles For The GROWTH Phase and 2 Cycles For The CUTTING Phase.  You Choose Which One Is Suitable Towards Your Muscle Building Goals.

•    The GROWTH Phase is For Guys Who Want To Strategically "BULK" Up
•    The CUTTING Phase Is For Guys Who Want To Strategically "CUT."

Forget About Eating All The So Called, "Healthy Foods."  Strategically "CHEAT"  To Build Muscle Mass and Torch Body Fat!

Also Get A List Of The Most Optimal Muscle Building Foods.

Without This Part Of The Program You Are Wasting Your Time.

Bonus # 2

The 180 Ab Shredder

($17.95) Value Having A GOOD Set Of Abs Sets You Apart From Everyone Else. Anyone Can Build BIGGER Arms, Chest, Back and Shoulders, But Having A Set Of Abs Is The Name Of The Game. Get 12 Weeks of Customized Ab Workouts That's Different Than Your Average Boring Ab Routine

Bonus # 3

FREE 1 Month One on One Premium Coaching Plan!

($197.00) What IF you could have me on call to help you with your weight gain and muscle mass goals?  What IF you didn't just have to "hope" you follow a program you've already invested in?  What IF you can have all your immediate questions about your specific situation answered by me personally?  What IF you had a diet and nutrition plan laid out and custom created for your body type and personal preferences?

Now you CAN!

This is only for existing customers like you ... who can now become a personal client.

But, for Limited Time Only

The total value of The 180 Muscle Method is $360.75 because it’s information that could change your life forever.

Let me put it into perspective for you...If all the 180 Muscle Method did was help you build muscle and burn belly fat in half the time, allow you more time to spend with your family and buddies, keep your boss or co-workers from walking all over you and open new and exciting opportunities reigniting that passion again, would that be worth it?

I’m not going to charge you $360.75 or even $97.85, this is the price that my current customers say I should keep it at.  No, I’m going to give you The 180 Muscle Method for only...



Right NOW!


Still Not Sure?

DON'T SWEAT IT.  The 180 Muscle Method Comes With My Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee.

My Personal 100% Money Back Guarantee

3-Advanced-Training-Techniques-copy11If for any reason you are not satisfied with the 180 Muscle Method Program we will cheerfully refund you the full purchase price, no questions asked! I really believe the 180 Muscle Method will far exceed your expectations.  In fact if it doesn't, I want you to ask for your money back.  Fair enough? Just shoot me a quick email at our help desk and I'll get back to you within 24 hours.

-Tim Ernst

If you act NOW you'll be locked in at the above price forever.

Imagine right NOW for a second...

Imagine right NOW what a KILLER body will do for you in your job, marriage, dating relationships, winning the respect of others around you, rekindling an old flame, passion and the most valuable currency of all, time!

Imagine how you'll feel right NOW when everything seems to go your way effortlessly because of your NEW physique that only took you a minimal amount of time to achieve.

Imagine busting through a Mid Life Crisis!

Imagine that…

So click on the button below right NOW, and you’ll be taken to a secure order form.  After you put in your information , you’ll be taken to a secure members area where you can download The 180 Muscle Method, even if its 3:00 a.m.!

YES! -I'll Take The 50% OFF!Was $100 NOW $50.00! >>

Here’s the deal if you’re still sitting on the fence.

You see…it doesn’t matter if you download the program your not.  I’ll still be going throughout my day “living the dream lifestyle” with my smoking HOT wife, the FREEDOM to do whatever I want whenever I want, get second glances of my physique from both chicks and dudes when I’m out walking around town, and people coming to me for advice on how to train.

However…without my help, tomorrow you’re going to be in the same shape stuck in a plateau, wasting your valuable time and money on bogus supplements and muscle building magazines, working at your boring job while your boss or co-workers walk all over you, still single living in quite desperation, and just “flat” out looking the same like every other average “Joe Schmo” in the world.

I know it sounds kind of harsh, but I think you’ll agree its true.

Remember you get...

Quick Start Guide

($9.95 Value)

180 Muscle Method IntroThe 180 Muscle Method quick guide explains in detail how to execute the workouts throughout the entire 12 weeks.  This guide is your "go to" source on how to perform the exercises using the correct tempos, rest periods, set, reps, etc.



Printable Workout Sheets

($67.95 Value)

180 Muscle Method Workout SheetsThe 180 Muscle Method comes with printable worksheets so you can bring them to the gym and keep track of your progress.  This is a must in the program because I want you to succeed and the only way to do that, is to track your progress.  "What gets measured, gets improved!"



The 180 Ab Shredder

($17.95 Value)

Having A GOOD Set Of Abs Sets You Apart From Everyone Else. Anyone Can Build BIGGER Arms, Chest, Back and Shoulders, But Having A Set Of Abs Is The Name Of The Game. Get 12 Weeks of Customized Ab Workouts That's Different Than Your Average Boring Ab Routine



The 180 HG Diet

($27.95 Value)

The 180 Muscle HG diet builds muscle and burns fat.  Pick which method is best for you.

Forget About Eating All The So Called, "Healthy Foods."  Strategically "CHEAT"  On The Weekends With Your Family or Buddies To Build Muscle Mass and Torch Body Fat!

Also Get A List Of The Most Optimal Muscle Building Foods.

Without This Part Of The Program You Are Wasting Your Time.


AND...FREE 1 Month One on One Premium Coaching Plan!

($197.00 Value)

Get the body you want - no - the confidence and self-esteem of a person who's UNstoppable!

You can do it! I know because I've helped others who were where you are now...

Not getting the results you want. Confused with too much information. Failed with other methods and want to give up. Fit but not happy with your look. Tired of working hard but not getting to the "sculpted" image you had imagined?

Click The Button NOW To Get Started and I’ll See You On The Other Page.

YES! -I'll Take The 50% OFF!Was $100 NOW $50.00! >>


Robbins, D. W. (2010). The Effect of an Upper-Body Agonist-Antagonist Resistance Training Protocol on Volume and Efficiency. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , 24 (10), 2632-2640.

Goto, K., Nagasawa, M., Yanagisawa, O., Kizuka, T., Ishii, N., & Takamatsu, K. (2004). Muscular adaptations to combinations of high - and l ow - intensity resistance exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18 (4), 730 - 737

Mitchell CJ, Churchward-Venne TA, West DW, Burd NA, Breen L, Baker SK, Phillips SM. (2012) Journal of Applied Physiology, 113, 71-77).

Schoenfeld, B.J. 2011. The use of specialized training techniques to maximize muscle hypertrophy. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 33 (4), 60–65.