ATTENTION! LOSE 7-11 POUNDS In 5 Days WITHOUT Exercise Using This "Done For You" Meal Plan

Revealed: This 5 day meal plan has been used by 1000's of overweight men & women to easily lose between 7-11 pounds WITHOUT tracking calories, macros or even exercise!

Do you think your genetics stop you on how much muscle you can grow?  Think again.  Use intraset stretching in your next workout for new muscle fiber growth.

What if I told you a simple 10 minute per workout, Intraset Stretching, could give you the results you crave like more muscle mass, less belly fat, warp speed recovery and more testosterone than an alpha gorilla.

What if I told you “conventional” stretching routines are secretly sabotaging your fitness levels, ruining your tendons and killing your testosterone production…

Would you believe me?

Would you think I’m crazy?

If you have never done intraset stretching you are leaving a ton of lean muscle gains on the table.

We all have genetic limitations but to many aspiring guys think that they will only grow as much as their genetics will allow.

While this is true to a certain extent, you can completely DOUBLE your muscle gains, remodel ANY “weak” body-part, bust through any plateau, all while revealing your abs at the same time.

Again, this anabolic-pumping trick is simple to use and takes 10 minutes per workout.

And if you’re thinking this is some type of basic static stretching program, please think again.

Now, I know this might seem kind of out there and far fetched…but keep an open mind.

I’d just hate for you to be one of the 15 million men in this country who are leading lives of quiet desperation.

Below is a technique that Jacob Wilson and his team down in Tampa Fl have just recently been experimenting with and shows BIG promise for creating new muscle gains.

chest workout

First we need to understand that muscle grows using the 3 mechanisms to hypertrophy.

  1. Mechanical Tension (Lifting Heavy/Myofibrillar Hypertrophy)
  2. Metabolic Stress (Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy)
  3. Muscle Damage (DTRS, Super-Sets, Drop Sets, Intraset Stretching

In times past, It was believed that muscles could only grow by adding more protein layers on the same muscle fibers you currently have.

You probably know that as being called hypertrophy, right?

However, we now know that very specific types of training actually force your body to increase the number of fibers in a cell. That’s called hyperplasia and that is your ticket to blowing past your genetic limitations.

Hyperplasia is the idea that muscle cells can actually divide and add brand new fibers. This has already been proven with animals but not quite so with humans.

So the question is…How Do We Trigger Hyperplasia In Humans?

Enter:  Intraset Stretching

Intraset stretching takes advantage of 2 primary factors of hypertrophy (mentioned above).  It increases muscle damage (max tension) and increases cell swelling also known as the “pump.”

Combing these 2 factors leads to more growth!

intraset stretchingIn the early 1990s, a study was done on birds that had nothing short of amazing results.

In this study, Dr. Jose Antonio attached a weight to the wing of young quail, and over the course of a month, he progressively increased the weight.

After a month, the level of muscle hypertrophy (growth) was measured. The bird’s wing where the weight was attached had grown by over 300 percent!

After studying the results more closely, Dr. Antonio discovered evidence of hyperplasia.

A controversial topic in the strength and conditioning field, hyperplasia is the growth of muscles not through the increase in size of the fibers (hypertrophy) but through the increase in number.

Another 6 week study done in Tampa FL with 24 men was the first of its kind on humans using a very specific overload protocol of “intra-set stretching”.

After completing a typical set for certain exercise you perform a loaded stretch (with weight) and place the muscle under extreme amounts of tension — all while continuing to drive additional blood and nutrients to the area of the muscle which will increase cell swelling and nutrient delivery.

Intra-set stretching is a completely NEW technique that maximizes two of the key mechanisms of muscle growth.

  1. Cell swelling
  2. Mechanical tension, as well as being the most proven method of inducing hyperplasia (new muscle cell growth).

The phenomenon of hyperplasia can take place in one of two known ways:

The first being the splitting of muscle fibers and the primary mechanism is via the activation and proliferation of satellite cells.

Satellite cells are involved in the regeneration of muscle cells and become “activated” when a muscle cell is injured, stretched, or is exposed to extreme “muscle damage” from intense exercise.

Satellite cells can attach and contribute to the growth of the muscle cell, via donation of a nuclei, or these new “myoblasts” as they’re called can actually combine with other myoblasts and form a new fiber, known as hyperplasia.

So now that you know what to do to trigger Hyperplasia.

The question is HOW do you do it intra set stretching?

Here are 3 exercises where intraset stretching can be done in your next workout.

Intraset Stretching #1  DB Chest Press

intraset stretching

Sets  3

Reps 8-12  (Intraset Stretching and Drop Set On All Sets)

Rest   90 Seconds

How to perform:  Perform 8-12 reps using DB’s and on your last rep hold DB’s in the stretch position for 30 seconds.  After 30 seconds drop the weight by 10% and perform another 8-12 reps.  On your last rep hold DB’s in the stretch position once again for another 30 seconds.  Finally repeat one more time for a total of 3 drop and intraset stretching sets.

Intraset Stretching #2  Wide Grip Pullup

intraset stretching

Sets  3

Reps Failure (Drop Sets on All Sets by 10%)

Rest   90 Seconds

How to perform:  Perform 6-8 pull-ups  and on your last pull-up, hang in the stretch (1/4) position for 30 seconds.  After 30 seconds perform another 6-8 reps.  On your last pull-up, hang in the stretch position once again for another 30 seconds.  Finally repeat one more time for a total of 3 super and intraset stretching sets. 

Intraset Stretching #3  DB Incline Bicep Curls

intraset stretching

Sets  3

Reps Failure (Drop Sets on All Sets by 10%)

Rest   90 Seconds

How to perform: Perform 8-12 incline bicep curls using DB’s and on your last rep hold DB’s in the stretch position for 30 seconds.  After 30 seconds drop the weight by 10% and perform another 8-12 reps.  On your last rep hold DB’s in the stretch position once again for another 30 seconds.  Finally repeat one more time for a total of 3 drop and intraset stretching sets. 

What’s Next?

Intraset stretching is a great tool for building muscle if you’ve plateaued..

Now that you know how to apply intraset stretching into your training, here’s a complete program that will immediately double your muscle gains, remodel ANY “weak” body-part, smash EVERY plateau, all while revealing your abs at the SAME time…

Introducing: “Anabolic Stretching”

With Anabolic Stretching You Can Now Blast Through Any Stubborn Body Part, Double Your Muscle Gains, Slash Fat And Supercharge Your Anabolic Hormones In Just 10 Minutes Per Workout While Essentially Becoming Wolverine…

belly fat


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